18 - Save Water

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The room was dimly lit with the vintage wall sconces that hung on the mute coloured walls like earrings.

Thick velvet curtains hid the long windows across the walls, just leaving a shy peek of the woods beyond. A queen sized bed lay in the corner along with two couches, standing the opposite sides of each other on the hand-woven rug in front of the ashen fireplace, accompanied by rich velvet and bronze wing-chairs that stand as sidekicks.

"Oh this must be y/n, hi I'm hoseok but you can call me hope since I like giving hope to everyone and this is my brother not by blood but by bond, jin hyung" the guy in his unicorn jumpsuit says, walking over towards me with his friend who was still sucking onto his fingers.

Both the guys had straight midnight black hair and their eyes were dark brown, framed by graceful brows. Their skin was pale but at the same time honey like tanned. They had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin with the combination of a perfect fairy nose.

"I'm seokjin, you can call me your mom although I'm widely known as world wide handsome, pretty y/n" he says, doing some weird aegyo.

Why is everyone so good looking here though?

"How do you both know her?" Jungkook asks, raising his brow and glances over at me as if expecting me to know when I'm actually seeing these men for the first time.

"Namjoon was talking about her a while ago" hoseok replies, trying to hide the chocolate wrapper behind his back.

"When did you meet namjoon hyung and why didn't you inform me? Did he tell you anything about bangtan? Didn't the two agents stop him from speaking to you? Did he perhaps touch you anywhere?" The ebony haired guy keeps firing me with questions like I don't know what's happening either okay? I just keep bumping into random guys and today already feels like a month when it's only been like a few hours. I want to fucking get out of here at once?????

"A while ago, when I was going to the-"

"It doesn't matter, does it?" Jin suspires before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt.

Wait...I see a tattoo.

I'm not sure about what it is because only the top portion is visible but it looks like a rose..? How come everyone has the exact same tattoo in this household? Fuck my brain.

"Hyung, I'm not speaking to you" jungkook says.

"I'm not speaking to you either then, just informing y/n that it doesn't matter anymore"

Why does everything come back to me in the end?

"Jungkook we came here for something else remember?" I smile awkwardly, pulling his jacket's sleeve.

"Oh yeah the water must be warm by now but can I know what you both are doing in the guest room at this hour?" He scowls, a slight hint of irritation showcasing on his face.

"We came in the guest room thinking that y/n will be here. We had no bad intentions kookie, jimin told us to share our chocolates and become good friends with her so we were just wanting to do that" hoseok replies, fiddling with the silver cross earring hanging from his ear at the centre of which lay a tiny red gem.

That earring and that gem...I feel like I've seen those somewhere before.

Jungkook lets go of my hand and sucks in a sharp breath before proceeding to speak without any breaks.

"I don't understand the thing with jimin hyung. Y/N is not our guest okay? She's a hostage, my hostage to be specific. I'm keeping her with us to blackmail her dad, you have no idea how much of a risk I'm taking to do this. I didn't get my men killed for no reason, there is so much of sacrifice I've put to reach for her so please don't interrupt in my business or put any obstacles in my work"

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