63 - It Still Hurts

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"I grew up in the southern district but we never had any events there. What type of event is he attending?" You curiously look at yoongi who shakes his head.

"no idea"

"That's suspicious" jungkook cocks up a brow, "and why did he have to take hyerin out of everyone else?"

"Maybe because there was no one to look after her in case any attacks took place?" Taehyung quickly comes to backup his partner, "he said the event has to do something regarding business with the lee family"

"Still, southern district is the region where boss kang resides, don't particularly know where but it's somewhere around. It's really dangerous" the raven haired quietly whispers, "did you guys bring your personal phones?"

"I have mine!" Hobi raises his hand up before drawing his phone out of his pocket.

"Hyung, you have namjoon hyung's number right?"

"Yep, will he pick up my call during work hours though?"

"You're the only person whose calls he will pick up even during a mission" jungkook chuckles as he presses on namjoon's contact and puts the speaker on.

"Are you really doubting him now?" Taehyung sighs, his heart starting to beat faster at the infinite possibilities of 'what if he picks up the call' , 'what if he says something which makes jungkook more suspicious', 'what if he tells hobi to not keep contact with jungkook for some time'.

God, then he would be busted.

"Why should I doubt him? I just want to know where he is since we were working together yesterday"

"Then you can just wait for him to call you"

"What's wrong with me calling him? Are you hiding something from me?"

Tae nervously laughs and moves his hands in a no, "what's there to hide from you? I just don't want joon to be disturbed when he's working on something important, lee family are one of our most valued peop-"

"Kook, it says the number is out of reach" hoseok interjects, patting on the younger male's knee.

"I'm going to send some agents after him, he seems to be off"

"I mean I'm pretty sure he's just busy with the lee family right now" jin ruffles his hair, "but you can of course track him down if you feel doubtful"

"But all the agents are out, unsealing the forest borders and buses which we closed last night" yoongi says.

Jungkook plays with the hem of your shirt, thinking about what he could do to see what namjoon was actually doing.

It's not like he wanted to hunt him down particularly but since you said hyerin was the one to tell you to run away, the things she could do to get to you would have to be smart and she was not smart at all. So she had to take help from the brain of bangtan for sure, kim namjoon.

"I didn't tell agent A to take any responsibilities, he must be locked in the basement or something"

"Why did you lock him in the basement now?" The eldest asks.

"He tried to inappropriately touch y/n so I killed his brother and tied him to the basement, he must be still there"

"You did what" your eyes widen in shock as you slap jungkook's arm, "how can you even say that so casually"

"I mean...they deserved it anyways so"

"Ohh yeah I remember" hobi takes a gummy bear out from the packet which lay on the table and nibbles on it, "I think I have his number too, wait a second"

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