60 - Judas

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"Sorry?" Sangwoo's eyes widen in surprise, hoping that this was some sort of joke.

"You heard me, kill jungkook. You cannot say no to me right? I'm your boss, afterall"

Mister Choi slowly reaches his hand out to get the telephone so he could call jungwon and ask what was actually going on.

He hadn't talked to him or his family in a while. Everytime he called, it was just jungkook that picked up saying dad's not home right now.

"Oh and please don't try to call jungwon since his cell is with me. I locked him in the torture chamber just now but there's nothing to worry about, he will be dead by tomorrow"

"What?" A sharp yell comes out from sangwoo's lips, him not being able to quite catch up with what was happening.

Everything was fine till a few weeks ago? He had had lunch at boss kang's place along with his partner, jeon jungwon then they had gone to play chess at his house.

Yes, the chess incident when they argued. After that, jungwon had never talked to him or tried to even contact him about the missions which were supposed to get carried out by next month.

"Ah my dearest man, I'm sorry this must be a little sudden for you, I totally understand. But you must also know that when you signed your work contract with me, you agreed to work the way I ask you to as long as it doesn't contradict our company guidelines" boss kang chortles as he signals his bodyguard to bring him a drink, "oh and not to forget that I have all the information regarding your family, the school your daughter is studying in, the hospital your wife very regularly visits, your parents' house in hongdae, all of it"

"Don't try to blackmail me, it's not going to work" sangwoo gulps, his fingers already on his gun, all set to leave once the call would get over.

He didn't know what was going on but he knew jungkook was in danger and he had to save him no matter what.

"I'm not blackmailing you at all, just giving you a friendly reminder alright? Jeon isn't a part of our gang anymore since he tried to backstab us. So you don't need to worry about going against your own gang or whatever, just kill the rival's son, that's it"

"He tried to backstab us?"

"Yes, because of his wife...uh what was her name? Jia I think-"

Mister Choi ends the call with one swift movement of his thumb and puts a jacket on before hurrying out to his car.

"You could've just asked me for help jungwon, this is what happens when you try to get shit done by yourself" he mutters underneath his breath once the cold hair hits his face.


"Holy fuck" you curse.

"Do you remember something now?" Jungkook asks as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Did all of this happen the day before my birthday?"

"Yeah" he laughs, rubbing circles around the tattoo he had on his wrist. They were roman numericals, of your birth date.

"Hey, that's my birth date" you scoot closer to him and gently hold his wrist, examining it, "did something important happen on that day?"

"Yes, the love of my life was born on that day"

"Does hyerin share the same birthday as me?" You tease him, smiling widely from ear to ear.

"You brat" jungkook chuckles before pulling you back to his lap as he wraps his arms around your small frame securely, "this date is special to me, of course it's your birthday but it also marks the beginning of something more"

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