42 - Differences

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Hoseok stays quiet for a couple of seconds as if thinking deeply and then finally answers, "till where I know, I don't think we have ever met before except yesterday when you came to the guest room with jungkook."

Okay, so it is indeed me going crazy.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

Shaking my head, I casually laugh, "I just thought you looked like someone I've known when I was younger"

"That happens to me sometimes too, I see strange dreams on rainy days and things like guns, knives or heavy blood flow trigger my past memories."

"Huh? Are you okay with me walking so close to you then? You can go ahead if you want, I'll just follow you from behind and-"

"I only get triggered when the blood flows from my body or when I'm the one to hold a gun. I really want to know what my past was but jungkook says it's better if I don't know about it"

A triggering past? That's kind of similar to my dream but what I don't understand is how did hobi come to my house on my birthday? What relation could I even have with him?

My life is so confusing.

"Haven't you ever tried to find out about it by yourself?" I question, curiosity building upon me like a cat fixated upon its prey.

Hobi peers up at me and presses his lips together in a thin line, "there must be a reason guk is hiding it from me" he giggles, "anyways, we are here! Let's get you bandaged, I prepared the first aid kit in advance."

With nothing better to do, I remove my hand from his shoulder and keep it on the cold wall for support but almost end up stumbling when a piercing scream comes from the same room we had recently returned from.

What the fuck is jungkook doing to that agent?

"Did you hear it?" I ask hobi as he twists the doorknob open.

"Hmm..it's better to ignore those screams" he chuckles.

Is this even legal?

Huffing out a breath, I carefully tread inside the guest room while the older guy holds the door open for me. However, when I see another man's tall silhouette lingering next to the window, I almost get a heart attack.

"Oh joon is here too" hoseok says, quickly taking a peek from my back before pushing me further in.

"Joon? N-Namjoon?" I stutter as he turns back to glance at me, his well built figure looking so drool worthy in that black shimmery suit.

"Not just him! I'm here too!" Another voice yells, making me flinch.

Seokjin I guess?

These men are going to actually give me a heart attack someday.

I'm used to their uncertain pop ups now, nothing to be surprised about.

Tiredly sighing, I plop down on the couch and facepalm myself. The throbbing pain in my head doesn't seem to stop ugh.

"Where were you guys when y/n needed help? I literally had to go call jungkook from the garden." Hobi complaints before seating himself next to me, a first aid box clasped in his hand.

"We just came back from the mafia event, so damn tiring" namjoon mumbles, "how did you get injured though, y/n? That wound looks a bit painful"

A bit????? A bit????? What is a big wound for him then? An amputated lower torso?

"Nevermind, it's done now" hobi answers in my place.

"Tell me what happened then, was it because of jeon?"

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