25 - Lemon Water

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The refreshing scent of peppermint enters my nostrils as I rouse from my heavy slumber. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face from the sheets. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again.

After having a staring competition with the ceiling for a few seconds, I finally realise where I am and grunt loudly.

"Stop groaning early in the morning" a voice says.

Turning my head towards the owner of that particular voice, I fail to make out who it could be because I was able to only see a broad back which most likely belonged to a guy facing me while the rest of his body was leaning onto the window.

Sight still in clutches of last night's glue, I hesitantly rub my dreams away.

"Jimin?" I mumble, unsure if it was really him.


Oh fuck.

Immediately putting the duvet which was covering my body aside, I try to sit up with my shoulders against the bed's headboard but bump my skull instead.

"Owh" I whimper.

Jungkook glances back at me and snickers before pointing his finger at a glass of lemon water on the night stand beside.

Wait didn't jimin say he would come visit me with breakfast in the morning? Did jungkook do something to him? Oh shit hell no that can't happen.

"Drink lemon water if you don't want to feel bloated" the raven haired says, interrupting my thoughts.

How can I even feel bloated when I haven't eaten anything since yesterday?

"Where's jimin?" I ask without any hesitation, surprisingly.

Jungkook's brows slant inwards, giving me a sort of annoyed look.

"How come the first person you think of as soon as you wake up is jimin hyung and not me?"

What kind of question is that? Maybe because you are my kidnapper who doesn't even bother to give me proper food while jimin is a whole sweetheart????

I wish I could say that...

"He said he would come to meet me" I reply pretty dryly.


Stop asking so many questions, you're ruining my day mister arrogant.

"I don't know" I mutter in an irritated tone.

"Well then I'm not telling you where he is" he says and slides the long curtains which were blocking sunlight to one side on purpose, mostly in hopes of making me angry.

Streaks of sunrays penetrate the window and blind me. I drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes.

Stretching my arms above my head, I yawn and watch my legs dangle above the white fur carpet.

Stay calm y/n, stay calm.

I say to myself.

Jungkook firms his jaw and walks towards me before bending to my level, the level where we could have perfect eye contact.

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