13 - Kinda Fruity

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The stairs ahead were twisted in a perfect spiral, like a child's slinky toy pulled from each end. Each stair was likely a deep walnut. The inner edge was painted antique cream, no dirt and no flaking or dents.

We were finally here, inside the mansion of the 'gang leader' who kidnapped me.

"My back hurts" jungkook complaints, putting me down on my own feet where I meet the floor of white luxury marble, the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard.

The mansion did indeed look grand; wooden panels along the corridors, ornate chandeliers, and oil paintings of old bearded men in tunics and ruffs but I was still weirded out by the fact that there weren't any guards standing outside or maybe it was just because of the rain that everyone got in.

I let my hand fall onto the black iron rail immediately, rough in it's rustic charm and place half of my weight on it since standing up straight by myself was pretty hard for me right now. There was no creak or sign of rot, they were as solid as the day they were made.

"So whose room are you gonna take? You can take mine if you want y/n, I'll sleep in the guest room" jimin offers with a bright smile on his face.

What a gentleman.

"She's not your guest or anything hyung, she's going to stay downstairs" the ebony haired guy replies, glancing around as if searching for someone.

"Downstairs? No way" yoongi arches a brow with his fingers running throw his totally wet hair.

I'm okay with staying anywhere, my only concern right now are my clothes, they're all sticky because of the rain and I really want to take a shower as well.

"Can I get a pair of clothes to change into?" I ask, looking at the men with hopeful eyes.

"You can take mine, they're comfortab-" jimin was just completing his sentence when jungkook cuts him off rudely.

"No need for that. Hyung you smell like rotten meat, please go and treat your wound"

"Yeah good point kook. Where are the maids?" The eldest questions, holding onto his injured brother as the scarlet blood oozes out of jimin's wet jacket in thick droplets, splattering on the floor. He presses snugly against his opened wound to stop the free flowing surge.

I look away from his arm as soon as I start getting the puking feeling again. I can't stand the sight of blood, it always makes me feel nauseatic but even though I'm looking away, the odour is just as bad.

"Are you fine?" Jungkook asks, noticing me shift my weight from one leg to the other in restlessness and right when I was about to say I need some rest, a shriek comes from upstairs, making me flinch a little at the suddenness.

"Oh god please not today atleast" jimin sighs, rolling his neck from side to side.

"Is it jeon? Please tell me its him and he is back" a young girl, about the same age as me wearing a black side slit dress which exposed her left thigh comes running at the staircase which joined this flat to the upper one.

Her eyes scan through the entire room and when they meet jungkook's, a glowy smile creeps up her face as she walks stiffly towards us, her heels click through the hardwood floor as everyone falls silent.

Damn it she's so gorgeous that I'm jealous..maybe she's hyerin? The girl jimin was talking about in the car? Jungkook's wife?

Her jet black hair was in perfect, flowy curls which fell down gracefully on her back, one of her hands rest on her hips while the other held onto her silk dress.

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