15 - Truth Untold

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"Chill guys I was just kidding" namjoon says, shaking his head as he raises both his hands up, surrendering in a joke.

Why is everyone's humor so fucked up and dangerous here.

"We should get going then" Agent A speaks before bowing to the tall man ahead, followed by agent D and both of them turn their heads toward me as if expecting me to do the same.

"I'm not going to do it" I mumble, folding my arms.

"I see why jungkook chose you" namjoon chuckles.

Chose? What am I? A toy which he can choose and play with?

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and spread my arms, prepared for the men to drag me down the remainder of the passage once again.

Getting a hint of what I was trying to say, they immediately hold my arms firmly before glancing over at the brown haired guy as if asking for permission for leaving to which he hums with his eyes still glued on my figure and me not ready to back off this time.

I watch him slowly dart his tongue out to play with one of his lip rings.

I don't know where to keep my focus on anymore, on his eyes or on his plump lips? But then the image of the pool of blood which I saw not too long ago crosses my mind, he killed someone, he could be an assassin.

My kind of still watery eyes from crying previously enlarge and the hairs on my neck bristle. A gaggle of goose pimples laminate my frigid, wet skin.

I better keep distance from these men.

I drop my gaze to the floor beneath, accepting my defeat as I walk along with the two assigned guys but even so, I can feel namjoon's eyes hover over me.

I am able to see him in my peripheral vision pretty clearly, the way his mouth twitches, fighting a smile.....

Don't tell me he realised that I'm looking back at him.

"Walk properly" agent A says in his low voice, slightly shaking my arm since I was actually limping blindly because of my focus being on the man whom we left behind.

"This is how I normally walk" I say and tug some strands of hair behind my ear before I finally look fully forward, not caring to see what namjoon was doing anymore.

My only focus right now should be escaping, it's just one chance for me and if I fail, I might never meet the light outside.

"Is the torture chamber called torture chamber for a reason or is it just like some type of jail cell?" I question because if it really is a torture place then it's going to be completely sealed.

"We don't give names to rooms in vain" agent D replies, tightening his grip on my arm.

So the only way for me to get out is by finding the washroom or by winning jungkook's trust to the amount where he lets me roam around the mansion freely.

I let out a slow controlled breath and attempt to loosen my body movements. I had been walking like a clockwork soldier and that was no way to be in this gang household. Giving my shoulders a wiggle, I loll my head in a circle, let my stride slacken to a more casual pace.

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