Book 2 chapter 69

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Everyone goes to stand in a line with me as the last one to walk down.

As my nerves grow, the line gets shorter.

Before Amy leaves she gives me a small comforting smile when she notices my rising anxiety.

She walks down while grabbing the handrail so she doesn't fall down by tripping on her dress or something.

When she is downstairs and meets up with Xavier who starts giving her compliments, I walk down too.

I grab the staircase so I don't fall down to my dead by tripping on the dress.

I step down while clutching a part of my dress in my hand so I can see where my feet go.

I continue to walk down while avoiding looking at anyone's face, scared for the reaction they might have at me showing so many scars.

When I'm downstairs I let go of my dress and start fidgeting with my hands.

I look up to see everyone in the arms of their dates and my family, plus Roman.

I bite my lip, a nervous tick I have developed over the years.

Roman walks up to me after a few seconds when he snaps out of his dazed look.

He makes his way over to me before bringing me into a thighs hug, "you look incredibly beautiful, my love" he says before releasing me and giving me a small kiss on the lips.

I blush a little while smiling as my nerves die out, "you look incredibly handsome too" I say while eying him up and down.

Roman + suit = extra sexy

He takes something out of his pocket, a corsage while thanking me.

I gasp a little at the beautiful item which lies before me.

"Ro,-" I start, "-you didn't have to"'I tell him as he puts it around my wrist.

He just smiles while saying, "I want everyone to know that you're mine" he whispers so no one else hears us.

Before I can even respond Roman wraps his arms around my waist as my parents walk over to us.

My mom hugs me while telling me how beautiful I look and stuff.

And once more before I can thank her, my dad turns me to him.

"You look beautiful, principessa" he says and brings me into a hug.

"Thank you dad" I thank him and before I know what's happening I'm in Blake's arms, being hugged as he compliments me.

This goes on for I don't even know how long but eventually I am in Xavier's arms as he now also gives me a compliment.

"Thank you Xav" I say before Roman wraps his arm around my waist once more.

The hand that is wrapped around me, rests on my stomach while drawing some small circles there.

"Well, you guys have fun. The limo is waiting outside to take you guys to prom and I know that there probably will be alcohol at prom, so just don't get waisted" my mom says while smiling as she hugs everyone once more before leading us out to the limousine.

As we drive off, we can see her waving at us while my dad just gives he curt nod but smiles while also having his arm around my mom's shoulder.

I lean against Roman with his arm wrapped around me.

"Val, your mom is honestly amazing, she literally just gave us permission to drink alcohol and not get too waisted" Thea says.

"Yeah, I guess she's cool on a lot of those things" I say agreeing with her.

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