Chapter 23

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"Oh Angelo" he cried out before rushing to me.

"I-it won't stop b-bleeding." I stumbled over my words.

"You're okay, you're okay."

He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

He pulled me gently to the sink and grabbed a small towel

He pressed on the cuts trying to stop the bleeding.

"Okay Angelo. Can you please press on the cuts with the towel."


I pressed on the towel pretty hard, while it turned red.

Blake picked me up and walked to his room.

I began feeling really dizzy, making the towel fall on the ground.

"bu-bubby" I cried out, I don't know why but it felt right saying that name.

"You're going to be okay, keep your eyes open. Angelo"

He put me down on his bathroom counter and open some drawer.

I felt really dizzy and kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

At some point, I felt him doing something on my arm but passed out before I could realise what was really going on.


Blake's POV.

My little Anglo passed out before, I could really help her.

I don't have time to think otherwise she'll bleed out.

I quickly started by stopping the bleeding and than bandaging them.

I can't help but feel sorry for her, just knowing that she is in so much pain mentally that she has to do this.

But on the other side I get it. I've been doing the same.

After making sure she was okay, I went to her bathroom and cleaned the floor, there was blood everywhere.

Just knowing that all this came out of her, seeing her turn so pale.

After cleaning I made sure to clean my bathroom too and the towel.

After making sure everything was okay I head to bed.

I hugged my little Angelo tight too me, making sure that she's okay and breathing.

Soon after I fell asleep.


Valentina's POV.

I woke up in Blake's arms when all the events from yesterday came back.

I immediately started feeling guilty and sad. I almost died. I would have died if it wasn't for Blake.

A silent tear escaped my eye, falling on Blake's chest waking him.

He rubbed his eyes before looking at me.

"Why are you crying?" He gently rubbed my back pulling me on his chest.

"I-I could have died if it wasn't for you" I cried out.

"Oh Angelo, I know I know, but you're okay now. You'll be alright."

My crying soon fell into hiccups while Blake cooed me.

"Do you want to talk about it. Why'd you do it?"

" wont get it. You'll be mad and stuff." I spoke barely above a whisper.

"No, I won't be mad. I promise. Just try yeah?"

After some more insisting and pursuing I agreed.

"After hearing about the vaccins I kind of freaked out. Then when I went to sleep I got a nightmare/flashback from a time when I was in their playroom being tortured and drugged. I woke up and started having a panic attack, I tried to stop it but it didn't work. Cutting always made me feel better and good so, I tried it. And it helped, I became aware of my surroundings and stuff, it helped. But than I started cutting for other reasons, punishing myself for all different reasons. Than you came and snapped me out of it, I freaked out and tried to stop the bleeding and clean up. But I began to feel dizzy and unwell by the blood loss, than I realised that I wanted a new beginning here with you guys and kind of move on and some more stuff. So I let you in."

He kept rubbing circles on my back and comforting me.

"Thank you for telling me."

"You're not going to tell me off, or that I shouldn't have done or do it." I replied confused

"No, no I'm not. Because I get it and that's not what I want to do or what I'm here for. I'm not going to tell you off or get mad or say you shouldn't do it because that is not for me to say. You know what's best for you and if you want me to help you find alternatives for cutting and help you I will. If you want me to clean all the cuts you make, I'll do it. I want you to decide for yourself what you want and I will follow you with it. I'm here for you and that's what I need you to know. That I'm here for you and that I love you more than anything. I get why you needed to do what you did, and I may not completely understand why you've done what you've done but I need you to know that I'm not mad and that I understand."

I jumped on his lap and hugged him.

"Thank you and I want you to help me. Now that I've almost died from my own actions I don't want that to happen again. I have multiple times almost died, but never because of my own actions and now that I have. I don't want that to happen. I'm scared and I want help and to stop with the self harm. But on the other side the pain it-it feels so good. But I don't want to die, I want your help. I trust you bubby." I cried against his shoulder thinking of dying because of my own actions.

"Then I'll help you Angelo, than I'll help you." He cooed.

"I want you to know that I trust you too so I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone." He said hesitantly

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready." I tried to stop him seeing his hesitation.

"No, no it's okay. I want to tell you."

"I-...euhm. The reason that I understand and stuff is because there is partly the reason that I do self harm myself well I stopped after my breakdown a few days ago. And I have been trying to stop and open up to people. As you know when you were gone, I closed myself off. I stopped letting people in and got mad at little stuff to keep pushing them away. But by hurting them I felt the need to hurt myself, than after a whole conversation with dad I realised what I was doing so we decided that I'm going to need to open up more. I also decided for myself to stop my self harm that I've been doing for years non stop. I have been clean for a few days now, and I never realised more than now how addicted I've become to the pain. I found some tricks on the internet that have helped for now and I want to share them with you, so if you ever feel the need to do it come to me and we will try some things. Okay."

"I'm so sorry, you've been through all that. I could never imagine how that was like for you. And I want to be there for you too so if you ever feel the need to self harm or feel sad you need to come to me too. Okay."

"Okay. We will be there for each other."

"Always, pinky promise"

"Pinky promise."

We linked out pinky's and kissed our thumbs to seal the promise.

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