Chapter 1: A Farmer Girl

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Anne POV

     Anne opened the door, stepping outside letting the fresh air hit her. She stretched her body out. "Man, it's too early to do farm work," she mumbles.

     "I can't believe you're not use to it yet, Anne!" Sprig says, hopping out. Sprig was her younger brother by two years. He was 13 and she was 15.

"Nah, I'm used to it, dude. I just hate it." Anne tied her hair up into a messy ponytail. She hated how puffy her hair was. Sticks always got stuck in it to the point where she just kept it in there. Anne wore some blue overalls and a blue t-shirt. Luckily HopPop knew how to sew because if not she'd be naked as there were not any human clothing stores. Anne hated being the only human sometimes, but she got used to it. After all, this was her home. She did wonder sometimes why it was she was the only one though.

"Come on, slow poke!" Sprig says, digging into the dirt of the crops.

Anne giggled. "I'm coming, gosh." As she dug her hands into the soul. She hated pulling weeds, but her brother Sprig had become a pro at it. Well in her defense, she was no frog.

Anne looked into the distance of the valley. Mountains surrounded it like boarders. "Hey, Sprig," Anne says. "Have you ever been outside the valley?"

Sprig thought for a moment. "Technically no, but HopPop has. He used to travel all the time."

"Whoa, really?!" Anne exclaims. "I've always wanted to see what's out there, you know?" Anne suddenly stumbled backwards as she finally managed to pull the weed out. "And.. I just really want to get off this farm."

     "Maybe we can!" Sprig says, hopping directly onto Anne's face. Anne grunted as he finally got off, glaring at him with death eyes. "Sorry," he laughs. "But it's the season where it's actually possible to leave the valley. We can ask HopPop!"

     "Really? Let's do it then!" Anne says, jumping to her feet. Sprig jumped onto her shoulder as she ran into the house, pushing the door open. "HopPop!!" Anne shouts.

"WHAT IS IT?!" He yells from the kitchen. Bingo! Anne ran into the kitchen to see him cooking something that smelled horrible. "Did you finish your chores?"

"Well- no, but-"

"No buts except your butt getting back to work," he snaps, as he got back to cooking.

"But we had a question!" Anne insisted.

     HopPop sighed. "Well? What is it?"

     "Sprig and I were just wondering if we could leave the valley sometimes. Maybe visit the other frog villages?" Anne asks. 

     "Absolutely not!" HopPop snaps. "Outside the valley is dangerous with all those toad lunatics out there. We are lucky to have a small and safe environment here in WartWood. That's final."

     "But HopPop, I don't want to just stay cooped in this small village. I'm 15!! Which means I've spent 15 years here."

     "No, Anne. Maybe next year if it's safer," HopPop says, before turning back to face them. "Now get back to work."

     Anne groaned as she stormed back outside the house. "I dunno why I can't just leave this dumb village," she grumbled as she continued picking the vegetables out of the ground and into the basket.

     "Aw come on, Anne!" Sprig says, trying to cheer his big sister up. "He did say maybe next year. You won't be stuck here that long."

     "15 years of living in a small village, that's already pretty long," Anne grumbles, ripping a weed out from the ground and throwing it aside. "It's not like I hate this village.. but I feel like there's so much more out there, you know?"

     "Yeah. I'm hoping to see someday too!" Sprig says.

     "Besides, going out of the valley just a little bit wouldn't hurt, right?" Anne continues. "I mean what's the harm? It's not like I'm going to immediately get captured by toads or something... right?"

     "The toads are so far away," Sprig says.

     "Exactly!" Anne says. The idea sparkled in her head, the thought of sitting at the top of the valley boarders looking at the view. "HopPop wouldn't mind would he?"

     "What he never knows won't hurt him," Sprig says. "But you gotta take me with you."

     "Of course," Anne says as she fist pumped her brother. "What about Polly? What if she finds out?"

"She won't," Sprig reassured her. Polly, though the youngest, scared Anne to death.

     "Well.." Anne hesitated. "Okay, let's do it! Tonight!" She cheers as Sprig jumped up into the air excitedly.

     "Woohoo! I'll get ready!" He says as he jumps back to the house excitedly.

     "Wait! What about the chores?" Anne calls, but he already left. "Ughhh," she groans as she continues to do it, but more motivated than ever. Because tonight, she would taste freedom.

     A/N/ Hii! Thanks for reading my first chapter of a brand new book I'm writing! I really enjoyed writing my last book and I had this draft lying around for a while so I finished it up today. I hope you guys enjoy!

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