Chapter 2: A Soildier Girl

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     Sasha POV


     Sasha reached over to the blaring alarm clock and smashed it. She opened her eyes and realized she broke it. Again? She thinks. She slowly got up from bed, rubbing her eyes. "I hate my life," she grumbled as she walked over to her closet, taking out her armor clothing. As Sasha got changed, she heard a knock on the door.

     "Sasha, I'd hope you're already done," Grime says, roughly. Grime was her adopted dad, but sometimes their relationship felt more like a general and a right-hand-man instead of father daughter. But technically they were both.

     "Of course I'm done!" Sasha shouts as she was still putting on her armor. In her defense, the stuff was heavy. She stumbled to the door, opening it.

     Grime stood there, arms crossed. "You just woke up didn't you?" He asked.

     "Of course not, Grimesy," she says as she pats her short father on the head.

     "Then why is your armor on backwards?" He asks, crossing his arms. Sasha gasped as she looked down, with her armor in fact on backwards.

     "Oh haha, didn't notice that," she mumbles as she quickly flipped it around.

     "Sasha, you have to take this seriously," Grime says. "You're going to be the leader some day, the general. And you have to be ready for that day. Which includes no more sleeping in."

     Sasha groaned. "I know, I know, but that day is so far from today!" She says, slumping onto her bean bag chair. "You don't have to be so uptight, Dad."

     "If we're ever going to get anywhere close to taking over Newtopia then we have to take this seriously," Grime sats, roughly.

     Sasha sighed. "I know. Just give me a second," she says, waving him off dismissively. As the door shut, Sasha looked into her mirror. Okay fine, she didn't look super ready. Bags under her eyes and her hair being messily tied up.

Lately Sasha had been getting really weird dreams. There were humans that were just like her. It was so weird. But obviously that couldn't be more than a dream. And unluckily for Sasha, she always had a hard time remembering her dreams so she couldn't even recall a thing of it besides it being about humans.

As Sasha fixed herself up, she took a deep breath. I'm going to hate today, she mentally decides as she opens the door, starting her day.

Sasha blew the whistle loudly, stopping all the roads from their morning run. It was kinda funny how Sasha, who was almost 16, was leading an army of grown toads in morning runs and battle sessions, but being the adopted daughter of captain Grime himself didn't help.

Sasha tossed a water bottle to Percy, one of her closer friends in the army. "Looking good, buddy," she says, patting him on the back as he panted heavily.

"Thanks, Sash, I don't know how much longer I can do these runs though!" He says while panting.

     Sasha giggled a little, patting her friend on the back. "If I can do it, you can do it."

     "No, but that's why you're going to be the next general, like Grime. Every toad knows it, Sash," Percy praised.

      "Aw, thanks Perce. At least someone believes I can do it." Sasha mumbled the last part. She stood up before waving a goodbye to her friend. "I better scout again."

     "Again?" Percy asks, skeptically.

     "Yep! You never know when a newt or frog is out there!" Sasha says before touching the handle of her sword, just in case. "See you later, Percy."

     "Later, Sash." And that was that, Sasha ventured off into the boarders of her home land near the mountains. She never left the little camp ground they set up. She didn't want to either.

     Sasha had her whole life planned out. She would be the general, like Grime! Then she would take over the frog villages one by one, before going for Newtopia. It will all go perfect for her.


     A/N/ spoiler: it doesn't

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