Chapter 13: Girls Day Out

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Anne POV

"It's morning!" Anne shouts, tearing the sheets off of her new roommate. "Rise and shine!"

Sasha immediately started hissing at her as Anne stepped back in fear. What was she, a vampire? "Anne, it's way too early to be up right now," Sasha groans, pulling the blanket from Anne and hiding underneath it once again.

     "Come on! I thought we would explore WartWood today. There's so much to see after all!" Anne says excitedly. "I thought you were all about exploring different places!"

      "Not so early in the morning though!" Sasha mumbles, her face in her blanket. Anne thought if one more ray of light hit Sasha she would die.

     Anne sighed. "Come on Sasha! Up and at em!" She pulled the sheet off of her head.

"Ughhhh.. I'll meet you upstairs or whatever.. in ten minutes," Sasha mumbles.

"Great!" Anne exclaims, running upstairs again. Yeah.. she's never leaving that bed, Anne thinks, as she sat at the breakfast table. "Ohh choco beetles my favorite!"

She looked up to see a very sleep deprived Sprig and Polly. "What kept you up?" Anne asks, shoving the choco beetles into her mouth.

"Not much, just the thought a human lived underneath us," Sprig grumbles.

"Uh, I've lived under you like... my whole life."

"Yeah but.. she scares me."

"Did you SEE that armor?" Polly says. "First of all, mad respect! Second of all, explorers don't just have armor on them."

"I'm just.. really excited to see someone like me. Who knows, there might be even more humans here too.. I'll have to talk to her, guys."

"We know," Sprig says. "Just be careful.. I'm a little worried that's all."

"Hey, you don't have to worry about me. I trust her! She's.. really nice. And she's a human. Humans are scientifically very kind."

     "Where'd ya learn that?"

     "Uh somewhere."

     Suddenly the door opened up as Sasha who was dressed and ready came out. "Sasha! Perfect!" Anne exclaims, pulling her by the arm. "Let's go!"

     Sasha have her a smile. "Okay."


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