Chapter 21: Friends

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     Marcy POV

     Marcy and Anne sat in the dining room, eating the fresh seafood the staff had prepared. "Is it something I said?" Marcy asked Anne as she took a bite of her food. Marcy felt bad. She really wanted her friendship with Akana and Anne to work out. But she couldn't help being a little suspicious of Akana. Something didn't add up.

     "Oh no! Not at all!" Anne insists. "Shes really glad we met you. As am I. She's just.. a little shy I guess."

     "Oh, I get that," Marcy says, nervously. "I can be a little shy."

     Anne snorted. "Aren't you like supposed to be good at public speaking or something?" She asks.

     "Oh, I am supposed to be. Unfortunately I'd rather be the light person rather than the center of attention. It... scares me."

     "Seriously?" Anne asked.

     "Dead serious."

     "Well.. what's it like? I mean I grew up in a small humble cottage my whole life. But you.. wow. This place is amazing. What's it like having this title?"

     "It has its ups and downs. I really am grateful but I'd appreciate a few breaks sometimes." Marcy motioned to her outfit, which was a fancy purple sleeveless gown, then to her hair which was neatly put in a bun with delicate pearls in it. "I mean this? So uncomfortable."

     "But so pretty," Anne gushed.

     Marcy smiled a little. "I guess so. Between you and me, at the last ball I fell down a flight of stairs and into a food table."

     "What? Seriously?"

     Marcy laughed nervously. "Haha, I'm definitely not super fancy like people think. At the end of the day I'm just a clumsy girl."

     "There's obviously more to you. And I've only known you for two days."

     "Yet it feels like I've known you..."

     "Longer," they both said.

     "Finally you said something!" Anne exclaimed. "I can't help but think you're so familiar."

     "You mean long lost sisters?"

     Anne giggled. "No. Like I've seen you somewhere."

     "Well my last memory was being found by a newt guard.. and if you spent your whole life in the frog village I'm not sure." Anne looked bummed out. "Don't worry," Marcy says, reassuringly, touching her hand. "I promise I'll have the best newts figuring this out for us."

     "Okay. I just really want to know. I left my family to go to Newtopia for answers. It was hard but they wouldn't let me go... and I knew I had to."

     Marcy have Anne a sympathetic look. "Tell you what. I'll send newts to pick them up and bring them to the palace."

     "You'd do that?!" Anne squeals, hugging Marcy. "Oh frog, Marcy! You're the best!"

     "Haha, yeah!" Marcy says. "Anything for my friend."

     Anne stood up. "Well, I guess I'm done eating. Do you wanna complete the tour?"


     And with that, Marcy's first real friendship started to blossom.

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