Chapter 9: My Faithful Joe Sparrow

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Marcy POV

Marcy threw stuff into her bag, just anything. Random clothes, food, water, and other stuff to survive. She was definitely not having the best day ever.

Marcy threw the crown off of her head, stepping on it causing it to shatter in half. "Stupid... stupid crown!" She shouts. "Stupid dress, stupid ball, stupid SHOES!" She tore her shoes off. They were already making blisters. Who the hell invented those? The devil?

As she zipped up her bag, she sighed. She'd be back. She wasn't just going to leave her parents behind, but she had to clear her mind for a little. As Marcy pushed the doors to her balcony open, she pulled out her whistle. As she blew into it, she could already see her faithful friend, Joe Sparrow, flying straight towards her.

"Joe!" Marcy exclaims as he parked onto the balcony.

"Chirp chirp?"

Marcy sighed. "No, I'm not fine. I just need to get out of this palace, it's suddenly not feeling so home-like." Marcy jumped onto the seat on Joe's back. "Thanks for coming, buddy." She quickly pulled out a seed ball, feeding it to him. Joe immediately ate it before flying off into the distance.

Marcy loved flying on Joe. The light wind blowing through her hair, the nice feel as the sun went down. Call her cheesy, but it was the best feeling ever, especially when she needed to escape from all her responsibilities. "I don't know, Joe," Marcy starts. "I wish there was a way to just get out of this role. The kingdom would crash and burn with me in charge. Why can't Olivia do it? I mean, she's so good at everything a queen should be good at. I can't even walk down stairs!"

"Chirp chirp."

"You're right, but it's not like I'm packing up and leaving forever, I could never leave my moms behind. I just wish they understood I can't handle all this pressure!"


"Well I could tell them but they wouldn't get it! Olivia is such a hard worker she's the complete opposite of me. She doesn't know what it's like! And Yunnan is as tough as nails, she doesn't get nervous."


     Marcy sighed as she leaned back into her chair. "You're right.. I'm just going to rest, take a breather." Marcy got into a comfortable position as she shut her eyes. She was honestly exhausted from the long day. And of course it didn't take long for her fall asleep....

     (3-4 hours later)

     But surprisingly it did take her a long time to wake up. She slowly got up, rubbing her eyes and looking around. "Joe?" She asks. "How long has it been?"

     "Chirp chirp."

     "THREE HOURS?!" Marcy exclaims, before clutching her chest. "We need to land... moms must be worried. Just right there, by the lake."

      Joe flew down towards the floor as Marcy immediately hopped off the second they landed. "How far are we from Newtopia? I can't seem to recognize this area." It was just hundreds of trees, and of course a lake nearby. Marcy walked towards the lake, leaning down to splash water on her face, waking herself up completely. "Okay, Joe, let's go."

     Marcy turned around to face her feathery friend but he was gone. "Joe?!" Marcy exclaims before she hears something.

     "Well well, what do we have here?"

     Marcy turned back to the sound of the voice, a toad emerging from the shadows. Glowing yellow eye and a normal blue eye, rather short but wore heavy armor. A toad! No!

     "I was just on my way to leave," Marcy nervously says. "I won't be in your way."

      "Nonsense. Stick around please, Sasha would love it."

     "Sasha? Who's that?"

     "A friend. You'll see her soon."

     Marcy shook her head, nervously. "No, I'm good thank you." She tried to run for it but she suddenly got grabbed and thrown into a tree roughly. The pain was sharp in her back as she gridded her teeth together in pain, clinging to her chest. This was not going as planned.

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