Chapter 19: We Meet

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     Anne POV

     Anne groggily woke up at the voice of Sasha. "Anne... we're here."

"Wait.. what?!" Anne sat up as she peaked out the window. They were in the air, Newtopia just a little in the distance. "We're flying?"

"Yeah... newts kinda hog all the flight creatures. But this is so cool." Anne stuck her head out of the bar window. The wind hit her face harshly as her hair scattered through the sky. It felt nice.

     "Wow. Newtopia is beautiful," Anne mutters.

     "Too bad we're gonna be prisoners here," Sasha adds.

     "The second we explain the situation I'm sure they will help us," Anne says, reassuringly.


     Suddenly, the cell crashed into the ground as the two girls flew up a few inches before falling onto the ground. They were here.

     The cell opened as Anne saw them right in front of a large palace. That had to be the Newtonian palace. The newt reached in and grabbed them, throwing them to the ground roughly. "Behave." The guard turned to face someone that suddenly stood before them. "Lady Marcy, the humans we caught."

     As the girl looked down at them, Anne got a closer look. "No way..." she whispered. A human?

     The girl gasped. "Nigel! Let them go this instant!" The newt quickly uncuffed them as the girl pulled the two of them up. "I'm so sorry about that!" She rubbed her thumb against Anne's hand. "Wow.. I can't believe I'm looking at another human. Your hands are so warm."

     "What.. is going on?" Sasha grumbles. "Your newt buddy kinda threw us on the ground."

      "Ah, I am really sorry about that. I did ask for you to be here but I was hoping-" The girl shot a look at the newt guard, "for a more... gentle approach."

     "Hey, no problem," Anne says, nervously taking her hand back from the hyperactive heiress.

      "Oh! You must be starving, come." She took the hands of the two girls and leading them up the stairs and to the palace gates. "I'm Marcy."

     "The heiress that sent the order to find us?" Anne asks.

     "Yes, but no. I sent an order to find a human named Sasha Waybright." Marcy paused. "Is that one of you guys?"

     "No!" Sasha interrupts. "Uhh.. I'm Akana. And this is Anne." Anne froze. Oh right. This.

     Marcy looked at them suspiciously. "Oh. Okay." She pushed the door open to a humongous room that looked like a ballroom, but just a fancy table stood center below a dangling chandelier. "Dig in!"

     Anne stood in shock as she saw the table full of food. But none with flies..? Oh well. Anne immediately ran over to eat as she hadn't eaten in two days. She stuffed chicken and this weird potato thing in her mouth. "Mmmm!" She exclaims. She turned to Sasha who looked at the food cautiously. "S- I mean- Akana?"

     Sasha stared at the food. "I wanted to make sure it wasn't poison."

     "Ah, you don't need to worry about that," Marcy says. "It's good. Fly-less. Apparently, when I was a little girl I refused to eat the flies so I've been eating this ever since. It's tasty."

     Sasha approached the food as she picked up a chicken wing and bit into it. Her eyes widened as she continued to eat, Marcy laughing.

     "It's crazy to think a human was the newt heiress all along," Anne says. "How long have you lived here?"

     "Well, I'm 15, almost 16, and I've been here.. basically forever? I don't remember anything but this world." She smiled sweetly. "I was found really young by a newt guard. The advisor Lady Olivia and General Yunnan had the heart to adopt me. I ended up being the apprentice for King Andrias and that's how I got the title of the heiress." She turned to them. "And you? How long have you two known each other?"

"Oh, forever," Sasha lied. "Shes like my sister. We were found together at a very young age." She turned to Anne. "Right Anne?"

"Uhh..." Anne felt guilty. Marcy seemed like a nice girl. But if that's what made Sasha comfortable... "Yep."

"Ah, okay. Do you know any other humans?"

"No, you're the only one we have met besides each other."

"And you grew up in the frog village?"


     Marcy sighed. "Okay. Well let me show you to your rooms."

     "WE GET ROOMS?!"

     A/N/ Sasha's disguise name is Akana because that's the last name of her voice actor. I would've done her first name but her first name is Anna which sounds too much like Anne :))

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