Chapter 24: Suspsions

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A/N/ I probably spelled the chapter title wrong

     Marcy POV

  Marcy was in a dark room, lying in bed. That's when the door opened, a mysterious figure entering. She started in horror, her voice not working, her body refusing to move. And it came closer. And closer. Until it reached her, pulling out a knife, raising it to her as she could do nothing but watch.

She suddenly woke up, sweating. She looked around and realized she was safe and in Akana's room. She sighed as she saw her two friends sitting beside her. "Oh, you're finally awake," Anne says. "What's wrong?"

"You look like you've seen a ghost.."

Marcy felt her breath getting ragged. "Oh gosh, what time is it?"

"Ummm," Anne says, glancing at a clock. "8."

"8?!" Marcy jumped to her feet. "Oh frog, I gotta go! You guys have a good day!"

"Okay, bye," Akana says.

"Have a good day!" Anne chirps as Marcy ran out the room. Today was her dress fitting for her coronation. And it was scheduled at 8:15!

She ran to her bedroom, quickly brushing her teeth and hair as she ran out again and down the stairs to meet in the fitting room. She felt out of breath as she continued to run as fast as she could through the hallway, thinking of her dream. It was scary. But just a dream. Right?

She entered the room, pushing the door open. "Sorry I'm late!" Marcy says, going in. It was your average tailor, shelves with hundreds of rolls of fabric and a messy desk full of designs, pieces of fabric, and a sewing machine, right next to a short newt with messy grey hair in a bun and blue skin.

"Oh Marcy!" She turned to see her two moms were here.

"Oh, Moms!" She exclaims as she jumps up and hugs them. "Oh frog, I'm so happy you're here."

"Of course, we were dying to hear about the humans you met," Yunnan says.

"Did you find the one you were looking for?" Olivia asks.

"Oh, umm.." Marcy nervously bit her lip as the newt started on the measurements. "Well no, but I found two other humans."

"What were their names?"

"Akana and Anne."

Olivia and Yunnan looked at her worriedly. "What's wrong? You seem a little stressed."

"I don't know.." Marcy says as the Tailor got uncomfortably close to her, pulling a measuring tape around her waist. "I feel a little weird. I had a dream where someone tried to kill me."

"Oh, well it was only a dream."

"Yeah but.. I don't know what I'm so paranoid about.. I mean.. it looked like a person? But Anne and Akana have been wonderful to me since day one! There's no way they'd do anything."

"Well what about the Sasha girl? Have you asked them about her?"

"Not yet.."

"But you trust them?"

"Yeah..?" Marcy sighs. "I don't know. Somethings not adding up. Like.. maybe this other human doesn't exist. Or maybe she's one of them. But I'd hate to think they would be with the toads.."

"The toads that kidnapped you," Olivia says. "Honey, if you think somethings wrong, you've got to go with your gut."

"I don't want to believe they would lie to me."

Olivia and Yunnan looked at each other. "Marcy," Yunnan says. "I've been a general for many, many years. Let me tell you, one of the hardest things is when a comrade betrays you. I would know. But being naive gets you nowhere. Now maybe in the end it's a misunderstanding but you can't take a risk based on feelings. That's not what a ruler would do."

Marcy gulped. "Right.. I'll talk to them. Figure out more."

The Tailor suddenly coughed. "Apologies for interrupting this conversation but.." she then shoved fabric into Marcy's hands. "I must ask for your color choices for the gown."

"Oh... umm.. green?"

"Now will that be juniper green, sage green, lime green, fern green, olive green, emerald green-"

"Fern," Marcy says.

"Oh, princess, I'm not finished," The tailor says. "Pear green, parakeet green, mint green, seafoam green.." And this continued.

Marcy sighed. This would be a while...

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