Chapter 17: Newts on the run

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     Sasha POV

     [3 days later timeskip because the author is incredibly lazy]

     Sasha threw her bag on the ground before collapsing onto a bed. She and Anne had reached a village and rented out a room for the night. She hated sleeping in the forest in shifts, but she at least got to know Anne better. From what she learned, Anne was a sweet but gullible girl. She felt bad to use her like this but she figured it would be worth it once the toads invaded Newtopia.

     Anne jumped onto the bed next to hers. "Ughhh I'm so tired!!"

     "Me too," Sasha muffles into the bed before turning to her back, gasping for air. "Just maybe a week more of traveling before we get our answers."

     "I can't wait," Anne says, dreamily. "Maybe we are aliens from another planet."

     "Or maybe we are the last of a human colony from long ago," Sasha adds as the two girls laugh over their silly theories.

     "I've always wanted to see Newtopia," Anne admits. "It sounds so magical."

     "I heard that it's home to every species in Amphibia," Sasha whispers. "They have to know something."

     "We'll figure it out in the morning."

     "Alright. Goodnight, Anne."

     "Goodnight, Sash."


     Sasha and Anne were quick on their feet, already packing up to leave and continue their journey. Sasha and Anne made their way to the lobby of the hotel to check their key back in. "Say," the receptionist frog starts. "Don't think I asked for a name."

     "I'm Anne," Anne says. "And this is-"

     "Akana!" Sasha blurts. "My name is Akana."

     Anne turned to her confused.

     "Alright Anne, and Akana. Thanks for your stay."

     As the two girls left the hotel, Anne leaned into Sasha. "Why did you lie about your name?" Anne asks.

     "I... I just didn't need people knowing. You could say I have a reputation," Sasha lied.

     "Oh," Anne says. "Why didn't you tell me?"

     "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think less of me. Will you please keep it a secret?"

     "Yes. Of course." The girls hugged it out as guilt stung Sasha. She didn't want the word of Sasha the human getting out, at least not till the toads invaded Newtopia and she became the queen. It would totally blow everything.

     As they walked onto the path way, they were suddenly stopped.

     "Halt!" A voice demands as the girls turn around. "You there!" Two newts in what seemed to be Royal Newtopia knight armor stood before them. "You are coming with us."

     "What?!" Anne exclaims.

     "We aren't going anywhere with you," Sasha growls before taking out her sword. "Stay back, Anne."

     "By order of the heiress, you two must come with us to the Newtopian Castle for further inspection. Do not attempt to be uncooperative." The two newts pulled spears out.

      "Wait," Anne says slowly. "Newtopia castle?" She turned to Sasha. "Sash, it's a one way ticket to Newtopia!"

      "But who knows what they'll do!"

     "Better go with them than to break the law."

     Sasha looked at the newts then back at Anne. "Ugh fine," she says as she put her sword down, putting her hands in the air. "This better work."

     And with that, the girls had cuffs slapped onto them and were hauled away in a chamber cart, not knowing what'll come of them next.


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