Chapter 4: A Night Out of Wartwood

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Anne POV

Anne slowly pushed the trapdoor open, peaking out from her room in the basement. "Pssst.. Sprig? Sprig where are you?" No response. She slowly climbed out from the trap door, closing it. She suddenly got shoved, causing her to fall flat on her face and chest, also letting out a shriek in surprise.

     "Anne! Shh!!" Sprig shushes.

     Anne sat up, turning back  to face Sprig. "Sprig, you've GOT to stop doing that!" Anne whisper- shouts. 

     "Heh, sorry. Are you ready?"

     Anne took off her backpack, showing it to Sprig. "Yup! I have some stuff in case of emergencies. First-aid kit, sling-shots, my tennis racket of course." Anne pulled out a lamp. She shook it as the fire flies started flying around, creating light. "I also brought this, for light!"

     "Perfect! Let's go," Sprig says. He hopped onto Anne's head as she slowly creaked open the door. As she slid out, she shut the door quietly.

     "Alright, this should be easy. We will be back at six and HopPop and Polly will never know!" As Anne held up the lamp to shine a path of light for her. As Anne walked through the path, making her way to the mountains, she felt the awkward tension between her and her brother.

     "WartWood is so quiet at night," Sprig shouts.

     "Could be quieter," Anne says, laughing. "But I can't say I don't like it. I hope no one catches us."

      "No way, we'll be in and out. Or maybe out and in." The two laugh at the very stupid joke made by Sprig before approaching the mountains. They weren't that tall, but Anne was never much of a hiker. Especially since she didn't really do much her whole life.

     "Okay, ready?" Anne asks, looking up at her slimey friend. He nodded as she started her hiking journey. Naturally, it was very hard as she was just trying to find things to grab. Anne reached forward, grabbing a tree branch but it snapped in half. Just as Anne was about to tumble down the mountain, Sprig suddenly extended his tongue, gripping onto a different tree branch while holding onto Anne as tightly as he could, though very slimey.

     "Whoa! Hold on, Anne!" He calls.

     "I literally couldn't be holding on any tighter!" Anne shouts back, panicking, slowly peaking to see the hundred feet below her.

     Sprig pulled her roughly as she landed on a small ledge, gripping onto a branch. She looked up to see about a hundred more feet to go. This was tiring.

     Anne grabbed a long vine that connected to one of the trees, pulling herself up. She was worried it would snap but luckily it didn't. Sprig suddenly jumped back onto Anne's shoulder as Anne used the vine as a rope, pulling herself up. As she slowly started reaching higher and higher, she made the mistake of looking down. "Okay, these mountains looked a lot smaller from WartWood," She manages to stutter as she pulled herself up, reaching the top of the mountain.

"We're here!!" Sprig exclaims. Anne gasped as she peaked up, taking in the view. A large forest with beautiful rivers flowing through. There were even more mountains and as started to rise, the light peaked through the mountains and trees. Anne smiled as she finally got to see this. It was beautiful.

"Wow, this was so worth it!" Anne exclaims, leaning back onto a tree. "I wish I could see this every morning."

     "It does look really nice!" Sprig admits.

     Anne took a deep breath, smiling upon the beautiful view. "Alright.. we should head back.."

     "Aw, already?" Sprig asks.

     "We don't want HopPop finding out, now do we?" As Anne stood up, she instantly regretted it. A large creature started flying down straight at her. A giant bird with fangs. "AHHH!" She shrieks as it flew straight onto her, pushing her off the cliff before catching her in its mouth. As the fangs dug into her chest Anne began to lose her consciousness. She turned back to see her frog friend panicked, running after her but obviously being far behind. Anne could hear him yelling after her until his voice slowly drowned out. She looked up at the bird. "You will not eat me!" She shouts, kicking it straight in the eye. Success! It dropped Anne quickly. Wait no, it was a total failure as Anne plummeted towards the floor, t least fifty feet off the ground. Anne crashed into hundreds of branches before hitting her head onto the ground, immediately going unconscious.


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