Chapter 16

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Rin woke up feeling like every part of her was falling apart. Her head was slightly dizzy as though she was having a hangover after a wild drunken night.

She groaned in annoyance not understanding what was happening to her. It had become a usual occurrence for her to wake up with a horrible headache accompanied by an awful body ache.

Constantly being tired for no reason and having her mind fuzzy for half a day was severely affecting her daily life and to make it worst, no medicine or homemade remedy Jungkook made for her was helping her with the predicament.

Dragging her exhausted body, she did her daily routine and headed to the front of Jeon's mansion where her boyfriend was waiting to pick her up for the university.

"Hey, babe" She gave him a weak smile getting inside the car.

"Rin, you look horrible," Jimin exclaimed crashing his eyebrows together as he inspected her appearance. She was starting to appear paler and weaker deepening his concern for her health.

"It's just a mild headache maybe I'm having my periods soon" She replied resting her head against the window with her eyes closed.

"We should go to the hospital," Jimin advised helping her to fasten the seat belt.

"Jimin our classes..." She tried to protest but Jimin was not in the mood to back off.

"Having a headache and body pain for weeks is not normal. You need to see a doctor immediately. We can make up for the classes later. Health comes first" He placed his hand over her and squeezed it to coax her.

Rin peered at her boyfriend and let out a sigh in defeat letting him drag her to the hospital for a checkup.

After an appointment with the doctor, Rin went home straight while Jimin return to college so that he could take notes on both of their behalfs.

Plopping down on the couch of the living room, Rin let out a deeply exhausted huff.

"Fuck my life, why I am being this way?" The pain was getting to the point where she could barely keep her eyes open.

"What if results say I have a terminal illness?" Her overdramatic inner self started assessing all the worst case scenarios adding more stress to her already stressed mind.

Out of nowhere, soft hands began to give her a shoulder massage helping her to relax a bit.

"You look very stressed" Jungkook's angelic voice made her open her eyes and she turned her body to face him.

"Yeah, I feel like headache and sore body has become obsessed with me" She gave him a faint smile which Jungkook returned back immediately.

Things between them had gotten a lot better after the night of conversation and they were gradually going back to become good friends. Jungkook had started to acknowledge her presence in the college as well and show genuine care for her, therefore, putting aside their past Rin had begun to treat him properly as well.

"Should I bring you coffee?" Jungkook suggested as he continued to give her a shoulder massage.

"No Guk, the doctor has advised me to avoid caffeine until the results of my test come out." Her words made him freeze for a while as his heart picked up its pace in panic.

The test results would detect the drug in her system he had been giving her for a week therefore he needed to think quick and do whatever in his power to prevent her from knowing the truth or else his entire plan would fall apart.

Sensing him pause, Rin shrugged her shoulder with a whine gesturing to him to continue.

"You went to a doctor?" his voice wavered but Rin was too engrossed in trying to soothe her throbbing head to notice it.

"Hmmm" She just hummed in reply.

"You should have called me, I would have taken you to a good doctor" Jungkook added as he shifted his hand to her head and began to apply pressure, gently on her focal points.

"Jimin took me, and it wasn't far from the college. And don't worry I met a reliable doctor." Rin threw her head back feeling much better than before.

" Really who?" he further inquired.

"His name was doctor George. He is head of the diagnostic team in Princeton" Jungkook quirked his eyebrows smirking at the information he had gained.

"Yes, I need them by tomorrow"

Both of their attention shifted to Mrs. Jeon entering the room with hands full of bags, trying to adjust her phone between her ear and shoulder.

Noticing her struggle, Rin immediately stood up from the couch and advanced towards her to help her but before she could Jennie blocked her away.

"I don't need your help." The sharp twist in her tone made Rin's heart drop.

"Mom, let me" Jungkook offered his help to which she took with open arms then dashed past Rin without sparing a glance at her.

Throwing an apologetic smile, Jungkook followed his mother with her shopping bag leaving disheartened Rin behind.

Eever since she had overheard the conversation between Rin and Jungkook, Jennie was acting distinctively cold towards her. Rin wanted to fix things between them but it was getting difficult as Jennie was avoiding her like she was a plauge.

Dragging her legs with an unsettling heavy heart, she got inside her room and dropped into her bed. She closed her wearied eyes praying for the headache to disappear when flashes of blurry images suddenly appeared in her head.

She couldn't distinguish between if it was a dream or memory but something was clouding her mind and the foreign images were making the pain in her head increase.

Familiar touch, moans, sounds of skin slapping against each other, low satisfied grunts. She shook her head trying to shake off the random images which made no sense to her.

"What is this uneasy feeling?"

The sound of her door creaking snapped her out of her thoughts and when she opened her eyelids, she found Jungkook standing beside her looking down at her with a glass of milk.

"Drink this, you will feel better " He outstretched his hand with the milk looking genuinely worried for her health.

Rin forced herself up, her heart melting at the sight of him taking care of her with utmost sincerity.

"Thank you Guk for taking care of me" She expressed her gratitude and took the milk from his hand and drank it.

"With pleasure" Unseen to her, Jungkook had a twinkle of malice in his eyes and the victorious simper decorating his uneven lips.

Without even knowing the butterfly was happily helping the spider to build the web that would trap her with the predator that would eventually devour her without any mercy.

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