Chapter 27

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The wall of the office was painted black and white and it had a huge floor-to-ceiling window giving the perfect view of the entire city. Artistic painting and decors hanging on the wall gave it a sophisticated look plus the vibe of authority and power were radiating from every corner of the room.

Jimin laid against the desk made up of Dalbergia Wood with his arms crossed over his chest, his hair messy due to running his fingers through them countless times while he maintained his glare at the man in a well-fitted black suit, sitting on the L-shaped leather couch before him.

"Get straight to the point" Jimin demanded in a low yet deep voice.

The atmosphere was severe and pervasive and even when Ac was on, beads of sweat had formed in Namjoon's forehead. Letting out a  stressed sigh, Namjoon wiped off his sweat with his handkerchief. He couldn't believe he was about to utter the words and admit his defeat.

"We might lose the case," Jimin shut his eyes close, gritting his teeth as he attempted to compose himself. 

"After the statement, Rin's mother gave on the court against her the evidence we gathered won't be enough to prove Jeon Jungkook is guilty"

Jimin cursed loudly and slammed his fist on the table. The Jeons had hired an equally cunning lawyer to defend their only son, none other than Min Yoongi. Everyone knew his reputation, he was a snake capable of flipping any kind of case in favor of his client.

"We can't let that guy walk away free. He fucking raped my wife. I can't lose. I won't lose." Jimin yelled in frustration.

How would he face Rin, if they lost? He had promised to bring justice to her and there was no way he was willing to back out from his promise.

"I know, I know but we have nothing in our hands. Even your wife admitted to having an affair with him in the past and her health test report shows no drug in her system." Namjoon was equally frustrated seeing the case slipping away from his hand.

Jungkook was very clever and had made sure there was no way he would get convicted. Jungkook had bribed the doctor to change the initial test and also helped the doctor to flee away. They had again performed the test but it was too late and no trace of drug was found in her system making them unable to prove Jungkook that it was him who had drugged her.

With no solid evidence to prove their accusation, they were at a serious disadvantage.

"That means we have no choice but to play foul." Jimin breathed out with his clenched fists.

He never thought the day would come when he would be willing to use the money to gain what he wanted.

"If they are willing to go low, I will go lower." Jimin declared not willing to give up.

Jieun, Jimin's mother gave Rin a reassuring squeeze conveying she was there for her. 

"There is a high chance of miscarriage since the child was conceived when you were drugged, also I am not able to tell if the fetus is healthy or not." Doctor Kim Seokjin explained to both of the ladies seated before him.

Realizing she was shaking slightly, Jieun pulled her in her embrace and rubbed the side of her arms in a soothing manner.

"What do you suggest Doctor Kim?" Jieun questioned seeking advice.

"I am afraid, if she wants to keep the child, she will have to limit her movement entirely and be hospitalized for the entire period of her pregnancy. If not then I suggest you not delay for abortion." he further added in a serious manner.

A chill ran through Rin's core, hearing the word abortion. She was having a major internal battle on deciding the step she needed to take. She was afraid of the consequences of having someone else's child but the child growing in her stomach was innocent just like her and how could she punish it for someone else's crime.

"I will leave you both to discuss." Saying that the handsome doctor left them alone to give them some privacy.

"Rin" Jieun called her in a tender voice earning her attention. Rin was nibbling her lower lips, her nose and eyes went red from her struggle not to break down.

"I...I..." her hands automatically moved to rest on her stomach as she tried to form words but failed miserably.

"It's okay, no matter what you decide we will support you" Jieun gave a soft smile urging her to make her decision without thinking of the people around her.

"My mother gave up on me because I was unwanted, I don't want to do the same with this child. I will not punish it for someone else's sin" she revealed and Jieun understood her decision.

"You are a strong girl, Rin. Jimin will be the happiest man after he gets this news" Jieun enveloped her in her bear hug while Rin burst into tears hugging her back.

"It's okay my child." Jieun patted her head letting Rin let out all of her emotions.


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