Chapter 3

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Rin was completely lost in her own thoughts simply staring at the book at the top of her study table. The entire time she had a smile plastered on her face as she dwelled on the thought of the guy she had met just today. She was so engrossed in her own world that she didn't even realize someone entering her room.

Jungkook gradually approached her from behind with a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hand wondering what was going inside her brain. A graceful smile was dancing on her voluptuous lips as she bites the tip of her pen gawking at the book which seemed to be upside down.

Her hair was tied up into a messy bun with a few locks cascading down her neck and the loose t-shirt that hung on her tiny body was making her look like a human version of Aphrodite. It was amusing how the world was blind to the stunner she was when even the little things she did like the way she breathed made him want to jump on the top of her throwing all of his clothes.

Grinning widely at his thoughts, Jungkook wrapped his arms around her from the back causing her to yelp in surprise.

"What the...?" in a quick movement she yanked his hands away which nearly made Jungkook drop the bottle and glasses on the ground.

"whoa" Jungkook was taken back by her sudden reaction but quickly balanced the things in his hands then stepped back with confusion plastered on his face.

When Rin noticed Jungkook inside her room, her expression fell in an instant and her smile faded away like it was never there before.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in monotone resulting in a hurt expression spreading all over his face because of her distant behavior.

"I left the party, my friends, and everyone just to be with you and you are not even appreciating it" He pouted with a sad face placing the bottle and the glasses on top of the table.

"I never asked you to do so" She turned away and began to flip pages of the book, unbothered.

"But I wanted to celebrate with you" He again confined her in his embrace but this time she didn't reject him.

"Without you, my win is incomplete," He said in a hushed tone nuzzling into the crook of her neck taking a whiff of his favorite scent.

"I'm busy," she turned her book into the correct position and resumed her studies.

"My queen, don't be so mean" He whispered sucking on her sensitive part.

Jungkook knew her body like the back of his hands and pleasuring her was the field he was an expert at after getting involved with her physically for years.

"Jungkook...ahh" she opened her mouth with the intention of rejecting him but her body quickly responded to his touch and a moan escaped from her lips.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to refuse him, Jungkook lifted her up in his arms from the chair to the bed and hovered on top of her.

"I'm fucking starving for you" His voice was low and grave and without wasting any more seconds, he hungrily devoured her lips undressing their upper half.

As their tongue engaged themselves in a passionate battle, she forgot all of her resolutions that were centered around avoiding the guy with whom she was making out.

"Rin, I'm so addicted to you" he breathed pulling away from the kiss and then descended towards her breast leaving feather-like kisses along the way.

Cupping her swell within his large hand, he used the other free one to tug down her cotton shorts along with her panties and glided his finger from her legs to her dripping core. Light and a fleeting touch of his finger rubbed her sensitive bundle of nerves and her body jolted in extreme pleasure, letting out a small whimper.

His long finger moved in a circular motion causing the ripples of bliss to travel throughout her body and she arched her back closing her eyes when suddenly Jimin's face flashed into her mind.

"Park Jimin" she was shocked at her own thoughts but couldn't push his image away from her mind. Instead, her mind began to fill itself with his soft smile and the way his hands felt against her causing her breathing to get shallower.

Nibbling her lips she began to picture Jimin being the one caressing her womanhood and the way her body reacted was amazing. The excitement within her doubled and the ecstatic feeling heightened, even more, turning her into a moaning mess.

She yelped with a jerk when a soft wet tongue replaced the soft touch of his fingers and she began to move her hip in the same motion his tongue was moving. The image of Jimin's plump lips flooded into her mind and the wave of euphoric feeling hit her senses resulting in her thighs tremble not being able to bear the overwhelming pleasure.

"Your taste fucking delicious" he greedily licked her cum dripping from her cunt like it was a delicate cuisine.

His voice snapped her back from her fantasy and she growled in annoyance "Fucking mood ruiner" Rin shifted away from his face cursing under her breath.

"I wonder how would people react if they would know miss goodie's shoe has such a dirty mouth" Jungkook commented hauling her back to the same position.

He then took out his thick cock tugging his jeans below his sturdy thighs and before she would come up with a witty remark, Jungkook pressed his shaft against her entrance and stretched her core with his thickness.

"Ahh" They both moaned together as their body became one, the feeling they were used to feeling every night.

"This always feels so good" He cooed feeling her core wrap around his member perfectly.

He started in a slow tempo teasing her, making her crave his rough lovemaking ways.

"faster" She bucked her hip urging him to give her what she wanted.

"Sure babe" he began to pound into her roughly holding her hip and fulfilling her desires. She was addicted to the pleasure he brought to her and even when she knew this craving was like a tough illness, she couldn't bring herself to recover from it.

Losing herself in the sea of lust, her eyes fell asleep and the image of someone else again began to overflow into her system again. She had no idea why her mind kept rambling towards Jimin but she had started to love the way the pleasure intensified as she imagined Jimin being the one abusing her pussy.

Jungkook groaned keeping up with his pace thrusting deep within her. He could see Rin was enjoying sex more than usual because she was shamelessly moaning louder than ever. 

A smirk of satisfaction crawled on his lips and he pulled out his dick till his tip then slammed himself into her ball-deep hitting right on her g-spot.

"Ahhh,Ji...." She immediately clasped her mouth when another orgasm hit her already sensitive body.

Luckily, Jungkook was too engrossed in fucking her and the little slip of her tongue went unnoticed by him.

With a few more slamming, and rough thrusting he pull himself out and sprouted his seeds onto her belly bottom, and collapsed beside her, heaving up and down.

"Sex was awesome today, actually it keeps getting better every day" He confessed taking tissues from the nightstand and cleaning off his juice from her body.

Rin turned to her side facing away from Jungkook still cupping her mouth with her mind filled with the certain guy with delicious-looking plump lips. Jungkook hauled her closer to him pressing her bare back against his naked chest, feeling relaxed returning back to the arms where he felt he belonged. 

Unknown to him, the girl whom he believed to be wrapped around his finger was eventually drifting away because someone else had succeeded in creeping inside her heart healing the parts of her which were damaged by being in the toxic relationship with him.

Oblivious to the fact, he drifted to the dreamland while Rin remained awake wondering how it would actually feel to be with the guy who didn't seem to leave her mind even for a second.


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