Chapter 15

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The door of Rin's room opened slowly and Jungkook stepped inside as quietly as possible. Advancing closer to her bed, he crouched down beside her and began to play with her hair.

"My queen" he whispered eyeing her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful lost in the dreamland that he was sure she would not wake up any time soon.

Not until he was done with her.

He trailed his fingers from her face towards her waist feeling the tingles shoot throughout his body, getting to touch her again.

When he reached the hem of her top, he pulled it upward revealing her blossoms with the pink quirky nipples tempting him to do all the sinful things his mind was currently filled with

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When he reached the hem of her top, he pulled it upward revealing her blossoms with the pink quirky nipples tempting him to do all the sinful things his mind was currently filled with.

"Oh Rin" not being able to hold back, Jungkook leaned forward and took the delicious-looking white swell between his lips moaning in bliss while his hand moved to knead the other one.

If it was not for the drug he had mixed in her drink, she would have woken up in an instant but now her entire senses were dulled. Even if she would gain her consciousness somehow she wouldn't be able to perceive what was happening to her.

Jungkook had seen his friends slip the drug into girl's drinks and take to them to bed countless of times. The best part was the victim would not remember anything that had happened even after the effect of the drug wore off.

Hovering on the top of her while continuing to suck her breast, Jungkook got rid of his clothes one by one and placed his cell phone beside the pillow. When his skin came in contact with her's, all the pang that was flowing in his body instead of blood soothed. It was like she was the painkiller, his essential shot without which he would not function properly.

"Did you miss my touch like I missed yours?" He cooed in her ears kissing and licking her earlobe while he took off his pants as well.

Even though Rin was not in her senses her body immediately reacted to his familiar touch and that heightened his arousal.

" I know you did Rin, that's why your body is burning hot under me" He mused letting his hand skid downwards to yank her shorts off.

An amused expression spread across his face when his finger found its way inside her pussy. They were wet with her juice which immediately caused his member to harden to his full length.

"What were you doing naughty girl?" Jungkook chuckled as his finger played with her wetness.

"Were you pleasuring yourself taking my name?" taking her sensitive bud between his thumb and forefinger he began to rub it earning moans from Rin.

"Or were you taking his name?" in a flash his demeanor darkened.

The images of their naked body tangled up together resurfaced in his mind bringing back all the tormenting feelings. Bile boiled at the pit of his stomach and the feeling of betrayal washed over him taking control of all the remaining rational parts of him.

Right now, the only thing that was visible for him was the heartbreak and misery Rin had made him go through while she had the time of her life letting another guy fuck her. Parting her legs, Jungkook forced himself inside her with one brutal push making her limb body jerk forward.

"How could you let him touch what is mine Rin?" He began thrusting roughly spilling all of his frustration and jealousy on her body.

"You betrayed me" tears dripped down his chin but that didn't stop his pace as her promises resonated in his mind.

"I promise Guk, I am your's for eternity So whether this heart beats another day or another hundred years - it is yours"

He wanted to break her like she had broken her promise.

He wished to destroy her, in the same manner, she had destroyed him.

He needed to punish her for ripping his heart out and stomping all over it an infinite of times without showing any ounce of mercy.

Like a mad alpha, he marked her as though she was his territory. He wanted her body to remember who its owner was and erase any trace of the outsider.

As his mind and body began to indulge in the pleasure, the pain that had been drilling his heart slowly started to fade away.

"I love you so much" His speed decreased a little and he began to slip in and out of her at a sensual pace, savoring their moment.

Every now or then when he hit her G-spot, a mewl escaped her mouth involuntarily which gave a great amount of satisfaction to Jungkook, and soon enough her body was vibrating due to the ripples of pleasure exploding inside her and she gasped while her body reached its peak.

"My queen I told you right," a malicious smile tugged his lips and he pulled his cellphone that was laying beside her head on the bed.

"I will never let you leave me," He captured her lips again in a passionate kiss as he snapped a couple of pictures then a video, while he fucked her in her senseless state without any guilt.

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