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Sipping the herbal tea, Rin was at the fancy restaurant which was well known for its first-class food and quiet environment. She felt calm and relaxed as though there was new positive energy filled within her body that had wiped all the negativity from her.

Her mind constantly rambled back to the doctor's words that had forced her to take yet another major decision in her life.

"Stress is very fatal for both mother and child so she should avoid doing anything that might give her reason to strain."

While observing a couple with two children dining, through the soundproof window, she caressed her stomach where her future and child were growing.

"It is worth it, " Rin thought with a small smile feeling content.

The sound of heels clicking against the Italian marble floor caused Rin to divert her attention from the family to the woman stomping towards her way.

"Mom" Rin stood up immediately and bowed down to show her respect to the woman who was like a mother figure to her.

As always she was dressed in branded clothes with sparkling diamonds as accessories in her ears and neck. Stopping before Rin, Jennie glared at the girl whom she blamed for ruining her son's life with utmost hatred. Jennie wanted to scream at her, slap her but before that she wanted to know why was she doing this. After all the love and care she had devoted to her why was she betraying her family.

"Do you even have the right to call me that after everything you have done to my family?" Jennie hissed with vile dripping from each and every word she uttered.

Rin's heart pinched to witness so much hostility coming from the woman she cared for nevertheless, she gave her a pained smile and requested her to take the seat.

"Why did you call me? What more do you want to do? You have already killed my son every day! what else?" she continued spitting venom-laced words ignoring Rin's request.

"I decided to take the case back." Rin's revelation shut her mouth for a second.

Jennie gave her a look of disbelief and then scoffed. She was having a hard time trying to figure out the intention of the girl sitting before her.

"Jungkook may not deserve this but I can't snatch this right from you" Saying that Rin turned to take out a picture from her purse and handed it over to Mrs. Jeon.

At first, she was flaring in anger but as soon as her eyes fell on the picture she remained stunned for a minute. Jennie slowly took the picture and sobs originated from her mouth as she began to cry covering her mouth.

"Right now all we can see is a dot. Still can't help myself from feeling that it is the most beautiful dot in the entire universe." Rin chuckled letting fresh tears release from her eyes.

Jennie could no longer say any words other than strangled cries that too were muffled from by her hands. Plopping down on the seat beside her, she continued to cry placing the ultrasound picture above her chest.

"Since it was conceived when I was drugged, there is very high chances of miscarriage and child to be unhealthy but no matter what I want to have it. It's my blood after all and it is as innocent as I am." Rin wiped her tears and fishing out a handkerchief from her purse she offered it to the woman crying hysterically before her. Jennie took the handkerchief from her while sobbing hard.

"Its life is more important than the case, and I am willing to lose anything if that means I will be protecting it. And having his own child not recognizing him as its father will be his biggest punishment." She listened to Rin and gradually her mind which was previously clouded by Jungkook's lies, started to see things clearly.

How could she be so blind in her son's love?

She was the one who raised Rin, who knew her the most yet she committed the most horrendous crime against her.

She doubted Rin's character, shamed her yet she was in front of her, sharing the most special news in a woman's life.

"Jimin is very happy. He and his grandfather dashed out to do shopping to welcome the new member of the family. I was so afraid that they would not accept it but Jimin is-" She trailed off recalling the gleam on his face as she revealed the news.

"He is really a good man, he will keep your daughter very happy." she completed with a sniff.

"You are such a kind girl, Rin" Jennie praised the little girl as she brushed her hair.

Rin giggled and nodded her head."I take on you"

Jennie's hand froze in the air as her heart went warm at her words. Rin was such a kid with a very big heart and deserved every happiness in the world yet she was unwanted by her own parents and it made Jennie feel unfair.

"I wish for you to meet the kindest prince, who will love you to stars and back." wrapping her arms around her little form Jennie expressed rocking them both sidewise.

"And I hope he will keep my Daughter very happy"

As the memories clashed, she began to weep louder. The love she had for her own blood had turned her into so heartless that she had unknowingly hurt the girl whom she had raised with her own hands.

The guilt began to eat her and she was no longer able to face Rin anymore.

Seeing her cry, Rin stood up from her seat and shifted beside her to hold her tight. Rin's heart was wrecking having to see her crumbling down.

"Mom" Rin wrapped her arms around her from behind resting her chin on her shoulder.

"It's okay, I forgive you"


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