Chapter 6

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"Ahhh" she mewled while her body rocked to the rhythm of his movement as Jungkook moaned her name in his voice laced with ecstasy, messily cursing and panting hot air against the sensitive curve of her neck as he thrust in and out of her womanhood.

Following their brawl, Rin had no intention of having sex with Jungkook but only after an hour of leaving him behind, he was in front of her room banging on her door crying, and apologizing leaving her with no choice but to let him inside her room.

Jungkook was always good with words and manipulating people the way he wanted and even though her rational mind told her to stay away from the fire, she caught the splinter, and soon she was burning in the flames of lust. 

She wished she pushed him away when he hugged her sobbing. She wished she could physically stop him from slipping his hands inside of her but her no was always ignored by Jungkook. As he moved his lips whispering how sorry he was, Jungkook had yet again managed to bring the worst out of Rin, making her commit the same mistake again and again.

Flipping her around Jungkook shoved her legs apart he leaned down and nibbled her ear, aligning himself at her wet entrance.

"I love you" He whispered as he slid in until he was buried to the hilt. Rin shut her eyes closed as his thickness stretched her perfectly from a new position. 

"Fuck..." she breathed out grazing her lips by her teeth.

Jungkook exhaled deeply and then began to rock inside her setting a smooth pace that sent sparks all over her body from her core.

"Hmmm" She hummed in pleasure feeling him going deeper and grazing that sweet spot inside of her.

"Should I go faster?" Rin anxiously nodded her head at his question and voiced her desires out freely, "Please"

As if her words were a cue for him to rain his passion upon her, he slammed into her hard making her jerk forward with a scream. Her consent had released the monster inside of him who would leave no stone unturned to satisfy itself.

Jungkook grunted at the sensation of her walls clenching around his dick making him perceive she had reached her climax but that didn't make him slow down his pace. He was releasing all of the pent-up jealousy he had been feeling seeing her get closer to another man.

Rin mentally cursed for agreeing with him because no matter how much she was enjoying it now, she was sure she would regret it tomorrow for the rest of the day.

She winched as Jungkook harshly bit her shoulder leaving his marks to show anyone who dared to look at her that she was already taken.

"This is proof that we belong to each other, forever." He smirked and with a few more thrusts, he pulled himself out spilling his semen on soft tush which he loved to take a bite of.

"I really can't have enough of you."  Jungkook chuckled rolling off to lay on his back and Rin just slumped on the bed on her front.

"If it was possible, I would make love to you for eternity." He gently caressed her hair gazing at her with orbs filled with affection.

"You mean the world to me Rin, even beyond that." He expressed his love in hope of gaining the same affection back from her however his words had the exact opposite effect on Rin than he intended. Seeing Jungkook use cheesy words on her behind the closed door and act like she didn't exist in the public only made her blood boil and spew harsh words.

"Do you say that to your girlfriend as well?" Jungkook rolled his eyes sighing in annoyance at her words.

"Oh no. I'm sure you use way better words than these " She taunted making Jungkook snap again.

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