Chapter 8

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Get ready with all the stock of holy water you guys have because this chapter was written by my sister.


only last few paragraphs are credited to me (the paragraph that begins after 💥💥💥💥)

👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅(People sensitive to smut don't proceed)

Rin's lips nipped on Jimin's neck and gripped tightly on his shoulders, their bodies pressed close while he fumbled with the keys of the door to his apartment. They stumbled inside and she let him guide her with his hands on each side of her waist. He wasted no time in latching his lips back on hers and pushing his tongue inside her mouth.

He kissed her, unlike anything she had ever felt sweeping her off her feet with his sugary taste. One moment they were sensual and slow and in another, they would turn heated and passionate. She could sense him slide her coat off her body and drop it somewhere on the dark-colored tiled flooring. 

When his hands ran along her arms brushing them in a tantalizing manner she shivered to inhale deeply and sucked harder on his tongue.

"Umm, you need to stop doing that, or I can't take it slow." Groaning from the back of his throat he held her butt cheeks with both of his hands and grind his pelvis on her.

"When did I say that I want you to take it slow?" She removed his coat from his form and undid his buttons in a hurry. Licking her lips after she saw his washboard abs she tugged the hem of his shirt out from his pants and said, "I'm dying to feel you in me."

"That's the number one thought in my mind since the day I saw you," Jimin confessed with hazy eyes and a playful swipe of his tongue over his lower lips increasing the throbbing between her legs. She raised her arms to help him remove her top as they walked toward his bedroom.

Once they were in his room she slipped off her dress feeling his eyes never leave her figure even for a second. He was staring at her as if he could see only her and nothing else had any importance at the moment. She felt beautiful and cherished under his appreciative gaze.

It was something Jungkook could never give her and she had always dreamt of feeling. 

He took the remaining clothes off his body and she could swear that she nearly came just by the view of his strong and sturdy thighs and the proud male hardness that twitched as her eyes landed on it. The bead of precum was ready to drip from the big round pink head of the thick and long tan-colored member. Everything about it was masculine and fuck-worthy, the thick light-colored pubic hair around it, the shapely balls below it, the prominent veins, and even the little natural upward bend to it.

Stepping closer he hooked his left arm at her waist as he skimmed his fingertips over her lips and trailed a path down her neck, the valley between her breasts and to her navel before it went back up and cupped her breast. She moaned as he gently kneaded the milky swells on her chest.

Leading her to the bed he positioned her on the edge of it and helped her out of her panties.

"Mother fucking Jesus Christ," Jimin put his hand on top of his mouth realizing that he had sworn out loud but the scene of her naked in his bed looking at him with anticipation and lust was enough to make him go berserk.

She giggled finding his reaction too adorable but it stopped abruptly and changed into a moan when he bit her thigh and parted her legs.

He kneeled down not breaking their eye contact and he licked a stripe in between her shapely folds. This time she moaned a curse as she thrashed and fisted the silk bedsheet. The chain of moans followed as he lapped on her sex and sucked on her folds.

His finger went in her slow and careful not to hurt her and he took her erect little pleasure bud in his mouth. The combined pleasure from his teeth grinding on her clitoris and his finger going in and out of her was enough to mark this as the best sexual experience for her and she felt so close to the edge of reaching her undoing.

She felt him slow the motion of his finger and stop his work on her bud.

"Jimin please enough with the foreplay, I want the real thing now." 

Jimin first took out the condom from his wallet and put it on. He leaned lower to support his weight by his elbow and used his other hand to ready his manhood at the gate to her warm and dripping channel. She took in a long breath and fixated her orbs in his as he shoved himself inside her with a strong push.

She held onto his biceps mewling his name in the bliss that was tinged with a sweet pain due to his huge size. His hardness pushed her tight channel till it was fully rooted inside her and they both breathed heavily as he leaned in to kiss her earnestly.

Slow timed hard thrusts had her screaming in the pleasure that made her whole body feel alive and thrum. The girth of his plonker was large and it hit her walls in the most delicious way, rubbing all the sensitive spots in her. 

"Aah fuck... yes...." She moaned panting.

He took a break from fucking her so that wouldn't explode and leaned down to suck and nip on her breasts. She bucked her hip up urging him to carry on and he whispered in her ears, "Baby I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you are going to feel it even when you sit tomorrow."

Grabbing her thin waist with both hands he lifted her a little forming a curve with her back and pistoned in and out of her briskly. 

"She closed her eyes, being so close to shattering into a million pieces due to his powerful thrusts. Her breasts jiggled as their grunts and moans of ecstasy mingled with the noise made by his dick constantly slapping inside her wet vagina.

"Fuck... fuck you baby." He hammered his cock in her at a relentless pace only slowing down when he felt her quiver and her tight passage gripped and ungripped his length continuously milking him to his own release.

The blinding effect of her orgasm was so consuming that she saw white spots in the blackness behind her eyes and flowed to a place she had no idea of. Even when she opened them it felt like the whole world had suddenly blanked out for a few seconds.


While trying to calm his breathing, Jimin pampered gentle kisses all over her face then moved down to her neck as though he couldn't have enough of her even after the intimate moment they had shared. 

Unlike Jungkook, Jimin used no sweet words or cheesy lines but didn't fail to convey the emotions he was feeling through his gestures.

It was for the first time, Rin fell asleep in someone's arms, molding her body with his, she found serenity in the warmth of his embrace and the feelings that came with it were beyond the words could describe. It was as though she had discovered a magical cave with an endless treasure of happiness.

However, the morning came sooner than she had expected as her deep sleep got interrupted by the continuous buzzing of the cell phone.

Groaning in annoyance she rubbed her eyes then extended her hand in search of the annoying machine that dared to disturb her precious sleep and pulled out the device that was vibrating underneath the pillow on Jimin's side. 

Her ears picked up the sound of someone showering and came to the conclusion that Jimin was in the bathroom. Whining she sat up on the bed with barely open eyes and tried to focus her blurry vision on the screen that was blinking.

My Bae 😘 calling

Furrowing her brows in confusion,  she re-adjusted her sight on the screen.

"Who the hell is 'My Bae '? " she couldn't recall saving anyone under that name and suddenly a bolt of lightning struck on her swiping her sleepiness in a shot, once she realized she was staring at Park Jimin's phone not her's.



Am I playing with your heart well?

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