Chapter 1

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It's always so simple in the movies and books, the average girl falls for the popular guy and a series of events brings them together leading to a happy ending.

However, the reality is always far from those chick flicks, and even if somehow the popular guy notices the simple girl, his pride, the image he must keep up and his status comes as the strongest barriers to keep him away from actually holding the average girl in front of the eyes of the public.

For Rin, 'image',' reputation', 'status' were nothing but a bunch of meaningless words so the people chasing after them and going to any extent just for the sake of maintaining them were fools with no understanding of the beauty of living a worthy life.

She could never perceive, why people ran after the short-lived pleasure brought by attention throwing away what actually was valuable in one's life but unfortunately, that's how the world around her always worked.

Letting out a deep sigh, she turned to her side where he was laying on his front showing off his perfectly sculpted bareback. He was sleeping without any care for the world while she was wide awake fighting the devils inside of her head.

Slumping back into the headrest, the devils in her mind started to make her recall every stupid mistake she had committed, one for say sleeping with the most popular boy of her high school who also happened to be the son of her mother's best friend.

Tearing her eyes off from his sleeping form, she scoffed at her past self for being so foolish however she was just a naive girl, helplessly in love with the golden boy and delusional because of the romantic movies she grew up watching.

"Can't sleep?" his deep sleepy voice pierced through the silence but she remained unresponsive staring straight ahead where nothing but darkness had enveloped the space.

After getting no reply Jungkook shuffled to the side and supporting his weight on his elbow he slightly raised himself up.

"Hey, is everything fine?" He asked in a voice that tinged concern.

"What could go wrong?" She responded sarcastically.

Jungkook internally groaned conceding why she was bitter. It was easy to conclude that she wasn't pleased with the display of affection he had with his girlfriend in the hallway.

"Don't tell me you are still sour about the kiss in the hallway?" Jungkook ruffled his hair changing his position to lay on his back.

"You can fuck anyone and I still wouldn't care" She stated with a smirk tilting her head in his direction.

Jungkook laughed it off, thinking it was her way of showing her jealousy but unknown to him she was speaking the truth. After years of being nothing but a secret affair, she had slowly begun to lose all of the emotions binding her heart to his greed. The strong affection she had for him had slowly dissipated over the years and the only reason she was sticking with him was that she had grown habituated to the setting.

In addition, she had her needs as well, and being in an intimate relationship with Jungkook for years her body was addicted to his touch. Her senses craved all the pleasant feelings and ecstasy he brought upon her while he fucked her.

In short, it was just a matter of convenience even though she knew it was wrong given that he was dating someone else.

"Come on, you know she means nothing to me. You are the one I belong to," he repeated the same words he told her every time he changed his girlfriend.

In the past, those words brought her a sense of relief but now they were nothing but futile words that couldn't even reach her ears since she knew his words were empty just like the affections he always displayed to her.

"Baby," Jungkook changed to a sitting position and cupped her cheeks to make her look directly at him.

"You know right, I never do anything more than kissing. I have never allowed anyone to touch me the way you have..." before he could complete his sentence Rin yanked his hands away and got out of the bed wearing nothing but that wasn't anything new to both of them. They had been in this secret affair since high school and now they were already in the second year of their university.

"As I said, I don't care so no need for explanation. Honestly, I am a bit sleepy can you please leave now " She quickly got into a loose t-shirt and walked to the door to open it and she gestured for him to leave.

Jungkook's heart sank but his pride didn't let it be shown in his expression. Throwing off the blanket, he got into his clothes and leisurely ambled towards the open door.

"I will see you tomorrow night" He attempted to give her a kiss on her forehead but she moved back not allowing him to do so then slammed the door shut right in his face without even sparing a glance at the guy she was fucking a few hours ago.

"Ouch, harsh" Jungkook smiled staring at the closed door then lazily headed towards his room with a sullen face as he missed sleeping in her embrace.

The morning for him arrived extremely slow as he couldn't get much sleep without the warmth of the girl he craved for. For the rest of the night, he kept shifting in his bed not being able to sleep therefore he had texted Rin asking if she could come to his room but got no response.

Getting ready for the college he made his way to the dining hall whistling and rotating his car keys in his forefinger when he found both his parents, Rin, and her mother seated and having their breakfast.

"Finally, the prince has woken up" His father mocked him, folding the newspaper and casting it aside.

Rolling his eyes, he went to give a peck to his mom and then his mom's best friend on their cheeks wishing them good morning. His eyes naturally glanced at Rin but she was having her breakfast completely ignoring his presence.

Seeing her act so distant and unaffected made him want to chuckle recalling how she was holding his biceps and moaning his name just the other night as he rammed his rod inside her wet hole.

Thinking about the night quickly made blood rush onto the tip of his shaft and he had to gulp an entire glass of cold water to cool down his throbbing member.

"Sit and have breakfast with us" Mrs.Yun, Rin's mother suggested with a gleam but he politely denied it.

"Sorry, I need to rush, I have a match..." he gave them an apologetic look and attempted to dash off when his mother stopped him by calling his name."Jungkook, Take Rin with you!" 

Jungkook's gulped pressing his lips together into a thin line feeling reluctant. Trying to come up with an excuse to avoid his mother's request, he opened his mouth but Rin quickly beat him to speak.

"How can the golden boy of the university be seen with me? It will be a huge blow for both of our reputations," Immediately, all of the stares snapped at Rin.

"Besides, it's too early for me to go" she added with an innocent smile then continued munching her food.

Taking this as an opportunity, Jungkook ran before any of the adults would add more comments making things awkward for him. He knew the words Rin spoke were supposed to be a taunt directed at him but he would rather not care because he was tired of having the same conversation with her.

He was the most popular guy in their university and everybody looked up to him. People worshiped him and some would even die to be in his place. The satisfaction of being the center of attraction wherever you go, the fame, the pride, and the privilege of being the most popular guy was beyond the understanding of a girl who was always busy sticking her nose behind the books.

He was Jeon Jungkook, the golden boy and if people would even get a whiff of their relationship and find out that he was involved with an average-looking girl with no social life, the Image he had spent years building up would scatter in a shot and he could never let that happen. He could never let his secret affair out in the public


With Love,


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