Chapter 23

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She felt was like she was confined inside the coffin and dumped in the middle of Antarctica where nothing but coldness and solitude existed. Darkness was seeping through every vein inside of her clawing at her like angry monsters tearing her apart.

Wrapping her arms around her knees which were pressed against her chest, she rested her head above them. His threat was still reverberating inside the room forcing her down to the pit of the hollowness and she was an inch apart from ceasing to make effort when Jimin's words illuminated the lost fire within her.

"Life will always give you hundreds of reasons to cry. During that moment remember thousand other reasons that will make you smile and stay strong"

Rin darted her head up then jumped out of the bed and headed out of her room. She refused to be beaten and forced to fall on her knees. There was no way she would let Jungkook have the satisfaction of seeing her crumbling down but first, she had to talk to Jimin and convince him of her innocence and then go to the police to file her complaint. 

Mentally vowing to drag Jungkook to the jail, she pivoted towards the main door but just before her hand could reach the knob Jungkook hauled her back.

"Where do you think you are going?" She grappled under his diamond-like grip but to no avail. He was too strong for her.

"To hell" She hissed trying to remove his hands which were securely wrapped around her from behind.

"When you can go to heaven moaning under me, why go to hell My Queen?" Jungkook hushed into her ears without masking his wanton desire which was clearly poking against her butt.

"You disgust me." She elbowed him to free herself and whipped around with repugnance laced on her face.

Jungkook simply let out a deep sigh and flipped his bangs away from his perfect face with his finger, clearly unbothered.

"I promise you, you will regret the day you decided to mess with me," Rin threatened him through her gritted teeth, clenching both of her hands into tight fists.

"Oh really! what will you do?" he folded his arms and leaned on his side against the door rendering her speechless.

"Tell me, I'm interested to know?" he spoke lazily adding a yawn to irk her more.

"Oh," He gestured her to pause then pulled out his phone and opened their university's group page, and showed it to her.

The site was filled with pictures of them that they had taken in the past with thousands of likes and comments, some expressing their disappointment, some their astonishment over their secret affair which was out in public now.

"I fulfilled your wish." His lips molded into a wicked smirk, completely satisfied with her bewilderment.

"I revealed our affair to the entire university, and now even if you will go to the police, they will think you are just trying to defame me for revenge." Showing his bunny teeth he chuckled finding the entire situation extremely pleasing. He had trapped her in his web in such a way that there was no escape but to fall back into his arms.

"And let's assume that they somehow believe in your words," his lips tugged downwards and he leaned forward to whisper in a way only she would hear.

"Where is the proof?" Rin's breathing came out ragged as she tried to hold back her urge to punch him.

"So don't make this a big deal, it's not like it was the first time we fucked." He titled further "and won't be the last time either," the way the last word had rolled off his tongue sent a sickening shiver down her spine.

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