Chapter 5

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As soon as Jungkook reached his home, he dashed off to Rin's room and started banging her door repeatedly."Rin, open the door" He called her out multiple times but got no response from the other side.

"Young master, Rin hasn't come back yet" noticing Jungkook, a maid passing by informed immediately. 

"What! where the hell she is? It's already past 9 pm" the tone of his voice made the maid flinch but she composed herself as she replied.

"I have no idea," she bowed in an apologetic manner.

"Where is my mom?" He questioned folding his arms over his chest, his level of irritation gradually hiking up every passing second.

"Madam and Mrs.Yun have gone to a party and Sir has gone on a business trip." She notified and quickly hastened away to save herself from Jungkook's wrath.

Rin was never late home nor did she ever do night over because she had no fun friends therefore the whole situation was raging a storm inside him.

"Is she still with that guy?" even the thought of it made his heart shudder.

Taking a long deep breath in, Jungkook attempted to calm himself down. He knew Rin since childhood. There was no way she would incline to another guy when she was still involved with him and more importantly she had promised to belong to him like he had promised to be the one to put a ring on her finger. 

All he needed to do was to call her and ask her to return home so that he could calm his uneasy heart in the tranquility of her delicate embrace.

Pinching the bridge of his nose to soothe the headache that was steadily spreading from the center of his forehead, he fished his phone out of his pocket and called Rin. However, the person he was trying to reach never received any of his calls.

A black car halted in front of Jeon's mansion and unfastening the seat belt, Rin leaned to give Jimin a hug for dropping her home.

"I had such a good time, thank you for dropping me" She hugged Jimin. Her every cell tingling getting to absorb the warmth of his body.

"No problem and I should be the one thanking you" Jimin exclaimed as they parted away causing Rin to whine internally missing his heat.

After the classes were over, they had gone to the bar near their university to hang out and get to know each other even better. Spending more time with Jimin had only made her realize how good of a person he was and in addition, his perception of life was similar to hers. 

In her eyes, Jimin was a complete package with looks, etiquette, and intelligence. The type of guy she would look forward to being with in the future.

"See you tomorrow then" She bid her goodbye as she got out of the car.

"Can't wait for tomorrow" He confessed making her heart stop in its place. 

Rin shyly nodded her head and then watched him drive away smiling like an idiot. 

"Me too, can't wait for tomorrow" she mumbled wrapping her arms around her and finally getting into the mansion which she called home.

Butterflies swarming inside her belly, she was flying in a unicorn over the rainbow recalling their moments in the bar. His small gestures like opening the car for her, letting her hold his hand while going down the stairs, and making sure she was not cold and every one of his thoughtful actions was making her fall harder for him.

This tiny crush was spreading like a wildfire, swooping her into the black hole of infatuation that she could never escape from.

Humming a melody of a romantic song, she skipped inside the living room giggling to herself fantasizing about the certain guy. She was entirely in a different world.

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