Chapter 2

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Re-adjusting her backpack straps, Rin headed towards the teacher's office with the assignment the golden boy had forgotten to take while dashing off to the college. She wouldn't care less about him passing or failing but her aunt did too so for the sake of their family's reputation so she had compelled Rin to submit the assignments on his behalf.

Rin was about to enter the teacher's room when her eyes fell upon the guy who looked visibly lost, scratching the back of his head as he looked around the hall with a slip of paper in his hand.

"Do need any help?" she approached him realizing he was lost.

Hearing her voice the guy turned around to face her properly and as soon as her eyes landed on his face her inner self squealed like a teenage girl. The guy was the cutest guy she had ever met and the way his eyes brightened meeting hers made sparks fly all over the place.

He was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants accompanied by a dark green-colored beanie and glasses which perfectly matched his black hair.

"Yes, actually I'm new here and I'm searching for my class," He extended the slip of paper which seemed to be his schedule and gave her a smile that made her fluttering heart even more untameable

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"Yes, actually I'm new here and I'm searching for my class," He extended the slip of paper which seemed to be his schedule and gave her a smile that made her fluttering heart even more untameable.

Playing off cool, she took the paper to examine it but her eyes immediately lightened up when she realized they were in the same department. Heck, even their class schedule was very similar.

"I'm a second-year informatic student as well" She exclaimed directing her eyes from the paper to the boy.

"Really, that's great! I'm Park Jimin" He introduced himself outstretching his hand for a shake.

"I'm Yun Rin" She took his hand and shook it beaming at him.

His hand was comparatively smaller than other guys but still manly and bigger than her's and she found it absolutely adorable. She was shaking their hands longer than necessary and when she realized it, she retracted her hand clearing her throat.

"Let me submit this then we can go together, I will show you around too," She suggested and he bobbed his head agreeing with her.

After submitting Jungkook's assignment, they walked to their intended class having a casual talk about themselves. She learned that he had transferred from abroad after his parent's divorce and now was staying with his mother in Korea. He didn't have any friends in Korea so was extremely thrilled to meet her.

Having the same interests and preferences they clicked right away and even sat together in all of their classes. Jimin was an excellent student adding a plus point in Rin's eyes and his sweet personality only made her like the guy more.

"Cafeteria is the best part cause the food is delicious" Rin explained as she stuffed french fries into her mouth as she was starving after attending two classes consecutively.

"They have lots of vegan and vegetarian options and if you are in salads, they have plenty of options to customize it as you want" she explained about their university while Jimin gazed at her with a fond smile as he couldn't help but find her adorable as she spoke. 

With a contagious smile and big bright eyes, she had a face that could literally brighten up the whole city, and the more he gawked at her expressive face the prettier she was getting. Her cute head tilts whenever she got confused and the way she bit her lips while pausing to think continued adding more to her charms.

"And if you want to chill and go for a drink there is a good place near the college, they serve good booze and the music they play is smooth. I will take you there someday" all of a sudden the entire cafeteria erupted into squeals and cheering interrupting their conversation and both of their attention shifted to the source of the racket. The students dashed past their table to witness the grand entrance of the football team with their MVP lifted in the air. 

"Seems like they won again" Rin mumbled loud enough for Jimin to hear even in midst of the clangors.

"Jeon Jungkook" "Jeon Jungkook"

The crowd shouted his name with the utmost enthusiasm as he was their King after all he was The golden boy that everybody looked up to.

Right after, he was put on the ground his girlfriend Nancy jumped into his arms and the power couple locked their lips showing off their perfect chemistry while the onlookers cheered for them raining them with claps.

Rin quickly diverted her attention from the scene to the food before her. The feeling of wanting to puke bubbled in her stomach and suddenly she lost her appetite.

"Wow he seems to be really popular" Jimin exclaimed watching the guy everybody was rooting for.

"Popular, my ass" Unconscious scoff escaped her lips as she pushed the half-eaten fries away.

"Huh" Jimin turned to her furrowing his brows and she immediately cupped her mouth perceiving she had cursed in front of her new friend.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." she trailed off feeling ashamed.

"Haha, It's fine but do you hate that guy or something?" he questioned leaning a little closer than before.

"Nah, I don't prefer things that my mind can't process." She attempted to convince him but a scowl on her face said otherwise.

"But doesn't that means you don't like him?" Jimin raised his eyebrows with a side smirk.

"No, just because I don't prefer something doesn't mean I hate it. It just means, I would like to avoid that thing." She stated crossing her arms over her chest and leaning forward. It was true if it was possible then she would most probably ignore the entire existence of Jeon Jungkook.

"But that basically means hating something," he added wanting to tease her a little more and she continued to deny him engaging themselves in never-ending discussion totally disregarding their surrounding.

She playfully slapped his bicep scrunching her nose then laughed full-heartedly watching him fake his tears pretending to be in pain because of her touch. Both were completely ignorant of the icy cold eyes piercing through the space and glaring at them not liking their closeness even a bit while they were lost in each other's company.

"Jungkook" Nancy slightly stirred her boyfriend looking lost staring somewhere with a displeased face.

"huh," His eyes trailed back to his girlfriend, and gave her a forced smile.

"Is everything fine?" She inquired as she tightened her grip around his biceps.

"Everything is perfect" Jungkook reassured her then pull her into his embrace holding her dearly while his eyes directed back to Rin again.

Jealousy raged inside of him seeing her scooting closer to the unknown guy smiling like an idiot. The smile she was giving to the guy was the kind she had stopped giving him and that made him feel unbearable. As though Rin could sense someone's eyes drilling at her, she snapped her head toward Jungkook surrounded by his loyal followers, and when their eyes met she simply stood up then she walked out of the cafeteria dragging the guy beside her along with her.


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