Chapter 11

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Drawing the curtains open to let the warm sunlight brighten up his room, Jimin stretched his arms flexing his biceps with a yawn. A pleasant curve was tugged in his plump lips as he ruffled his hair recalling the erotic dream that had made him wet his boxers interrupting his beauty sleep. Chuckling to himself and his misery, he got into his robe. 

He was falling hard and fast. Every day the feelings were getting deeper and more bewitching but he didn't mind it at all as he was willingly giving himself as an offering to the goddess he had decided to devote his heart, soul, and body to.

A knock on the door sounded through the room and his Butler asking for permission to enter had Jimin covering his bare body by fastening his robe properly.

"Come in" Right after his command, his butler and a maid entered the room with his breakfast in a trolley.

"I told you, I would come down" Jimin huffed not liking the unnecessary courtesy even a bit.

"Chairman's order, he doesn't want Young master to have any trouble during your stay here" The Butler bowed down as he informed.

"This is why I rarely come home" Jimin mumbled shaking his head and walking to the table where his maid and the chief manservant of a house were setting his breakfast.

His grandfather was always over the top treating him like he was a kid and loved spoiling his only grandson with unnecessary luxury even when Jimin strongly disapproved of his methods. Jimin was an independent individual and preferred to earn the things he wanted over having them granted to him. It was something he had learned from his father, who had worked hard to become a successful businessman from a simple salesman.

"Good Morning" his mother Jieun marched inside the room with a glow of delight on her face.

"Morning Mom" Jimin stood up to give her a kiss on her cheeks.

"Mom? call me Jieun, Mom makes me sound old" She protested as she pulled back from her son's embrace.

"Seriously mom" Jimin exclaimed in amusement and she shrugged her shoulders like it was so obvious while taking a piece of kiwi from his plate and taking a bite of the fresh fruit.

Knowing there was nothing to be done or said to lessen his mom's childishness, Jimin shook his head in defeat and resumed with his breakfast. He was sure only the number that was considered to be her age had increased, except for that everything about her had paused after she hit adolescence.

"I have arranged a photoshoot for you with Korea's top business magazine this Friday and next Sunday we are having is a party to celebrate you taking over your grandfather's business" Jimin choked on his food and began coughing while Jieun passed him a glass of juice which was handed to her by the butler.

"Easy" She rubbed his back as Jimin gulped the juice in one shot.

"Mom! Isn't it too early, I mean there is stuff I need to learn first, and not to forget I want to be an entrepreneur" Jimin protested keeping the glass on the table.

"I know but your grandfather doesn't listen. He is hell-bent on his decision. Also, a part of him wants to bind you here so that you won't go back to States to your dad" his mom explained to him with a pout.

At the name of his dad, Jimin's heart sank a bit. He was missing him terribly. His mom and dad had their own differences but they both never stopped showering him with the love and care he needed. He was actually happy for both of them that they had decided to separate instead of staying in an unhappy marriage because at least that decision gave both of them a chance to find their own happiness.

However, his grandfather was not on the same page as him. His grandfather absolutely despised his father blaming him for ruining his mother's life and this had pushed the old man to make sure Jimin would never go back to his father. A part of Jimin could understand his grandfather as well, after all, he was a father who loved his only daughter immensely.

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