Chapter 26

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Jungkook was seated on the couch of his living room, his arms leaning against his thick thighs with his finger intertwined as his dark eyes stared at the empty space in front of him intensely while his mother paced to and fro across the room in stress.

It had been four days since Rin's ran away from the house and every passing second was adding more fuel to his burning anxiousness. Because of his constant insistence, the arrangement for his marriage with Rin had already begun but the sudden disappearance of Rin had caused another chaos to occur in the house forcing Jeon to halt the preparation and report her missing.

"I can't believe even after our acceptance, she had the audacity to run away" Jennie scoffed massaging her temple plopping on the couch in front of Jungkook.

She was less than pleased about the marriage but seeing the way Jungkook was in love with Rin, she couldn't disagree with her son and break him further apart.

"I am so sorry, I should have raised my daughter well" Rayna, her best friend apologized for the umpteenth time feeling repentant at her daughter's behavior.

"It's not your fault" Jennie was quick to defend her and made her sit beside her. She then held her hand and caressed them with her thumb relishing the feeling of having the woman she loved close to her. Rayna placed her hand on top of Jennie and gave her a faint smile.

It was both of their greatest wish to make their children marry each other since the two couldn't unite due to the pressure of carrying their family image despite the love they had for each other. However, their hope was flushed in the drain by Rin when she began dating another guy yet, they still had faith that Rin would eventually choose Jungkook but it again got crushed by Rin's action of fleeing from the home.

"If she betrays Jungkook again, I will never see her face. She is dead for me" Rayna announced making Jennie's heartache a little.

Rayna really had no love for the child that was born from the loveless marriage but Jennie loved Rin despite the things she had done to her son. After all, she was part of the woman she loved more than her life.

Their butler hurried inside with panic plaster on his face garnering all of their attention. He was huffing and puffing when he finally relyed on the news all of them was waiting for.

"Rin is here"

All three of them were on their feet hoping she had realized her mistake and returned back to repeat however their hope came crashing down when Rin entered holding hands with another boy.

"Jimin" Jungkook growled, a prominent vein stood out on his forehead and his jaw twitched agitatedly at the sight of the man who stole his girl away from him.

As though seeing Jungkook's face was the needed catalyst for Jimin to explode. His loud growled echoed, and in a blink of an eye, Jungkook was thrown on the ground as Jimin poured his wrath by punching his face nonstop.

"What the fuck?" Jennie and Rayna were quick to try and pull the grown-up man away from Jungkook, however, Jimin didn't even budge and they had to call their security guard to tear him apart from their heavily bleeding son.

"If my hands were not bound by the law, I would have killed you..." Jimin was yelling thrashing against the grip of the guards, eyeing Jungkook with an utmost repulsed glare.

"I will make sure you will rot in jail for the rest of your life" Jimin declared successfully jerking the guard's hands-off from him.

Jungkook had his wide eyes glued to Rin for the entire time. He was utterly shocked seeing her stand there, beholding someone else making him a punching bag. He couldn't believe that his Rin had witnessed him getting beaten up without an ounce of remorse on her face. In fact, she looked like she had no sympathy or any kind of humanitarian feeling left for him.

"Who the fuck are you to come to my home and lay your hand on my son ?" Mrs. Jeon came in between them pissed as hell at the boldness, the younger male named Jimin had dared to show them in her territory.

She was flaring in anger and Rayna had to hold her before she proceeded to do anything against the etiquette of being a lady.

"Park Jimin, Heir to the PJ corporation" Jennie stepped back a little realizing she was lashing at the heir of the most influential business tycoon of their continent.

Even the guards looked startled and moved away, afraid of the consequence of mishandling the heir of such a powerful family. Jimin walked beside Rin his eyes not resting to glare at them as he intertwined their fingers giving her the sense of support she needed to stand against her own family.

"And her husband" finally Jungkook's eyes landed on the similar platinum band around both of their ring fingers, turning his entire world upside down in a heartbeat.


How many of you guys squealed at the end???

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