Chapter 21

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"Jimin, please" Jimin dragged her out of his apartment and threw her in the streets.

"Let me explain please" Ignoring her pleas, he tossed her luggage out as well while Rin tried to stop him by holding on to his leg.

Blinded by betrayal and resentment, Jimin removed her hands and harshly yanked his feet away abandoning the woman wailing desperately begging to listen to her.

He had seen and heard enough, and no explanation or reasoning would tape back his broken trust. Without turning back, Jimin got into his car and drove off to the unknown destination, wherever his shattered heart would lead him to.

People passing by were whispering witnessing the entire drama while some of them eyed her in pity, others snickered claiming that she got what she deserved.

"For god's sake, listen to me please" Rin buried her face inside her palm and cried in a desolate way unbothered by the crowd that had gathered around her.

Nothing was making sense to her.

His accusations, the proof he was yelling about, everything was like a cloud that simply passed above her head. Luckily a kind person helped her and called a cab for her and even help her to load her stuff.

Trying her best to remain calm, she rode back to Jeon's mansion. She was struggling to stay strong but her self-esteem was breaking down rapidly. She needed to uncover the truth and the only person that came to her mind that might be responsible for her current condition was 'Jeon Jungkook'.

After she reached, she unloaded her stuff then went straight to Jungkook's room leaving her luggage behind.

"Jeon Jungkook" She called his name in a loud booming voice as she barged inside the room.

The room was empty and the sound of a shower coming from the bathroom made her comprehend that he was taking bath. Not waiting for him to appear, she roamed around the room searching for Jungkook's phone which she soon found on charge on top of the table. Without thinking twice, she snatched the phone and unlocked it by typing his password 'MyQueen" then began to scroll down his messages.

Her brain stuttered for a moment when they scanned through his recent chat with Jimin. Her blood ran cold and her legs began to tremble.

Jungkook had sent pictures of them having sex to Jimin but the thing that caught her attention was that she was wearing the couple ring, Jimin and she had brought after they started dating. She nearly lost her balance but composing her stance she shuffled through his gallery which was filled with photos and videos of them having sex.

All were captured in her room, in her bed, but she had no recollection of anything that was being shown in the picture. She had no memories of any of the events occurring at all.

"Rin" when she rose her eyes from the cellphone, Jungkook was standing before her only in his white robe with water dripping down his wet hair.

When he noticed his phone in her hand, his orbs went big but he remained calm and composed.

"When...?" was the only word that she managed to utter as she played the video of him moaning as he fucked her.

Jungkook snatched the phone from her hand in a flash, vividly Disturbed by the revelation of the sinful acts he had been committing without her knowledge.

Slowly her mind started to put pieces together. In none of the pictures, she had her eyes open and even in the videos, she was kind of limp and unresponsive.

"I always feel like I'm having a hangover when I wake up"

"Drink this it will help"

Random flashes of blurry image, moans

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