Dating Dallas

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-Uhm so, this bitch is so damn complicated.

-Nate Jacobs vibes?

-NAH NAH. No one can be as bad as Nate Jacobs. :)

-But anyways, Dallas would send a ton of mixed signals.


-a ton

-A SHIT TON! And I'm not talking about during the relationship. I mean he does send some during the relationship but you were very confused before it began.

-You two were in the awkward stage of trying to figure out if you two liked each other. Dallas would try not to act like he liked you because he thought you didn't like him and he didn't want to have one sided feelings.

-After you two got over that, surprisingly, you asked him out.

-You awkwardly confessed your feelings and asked him to go to a movie or some sort of date with you.

-He agreed, smirked, and then frowned because he was supposed to ask you on a date and got mad you beat him to it.

-So he argued with you and was like "let me ask you out 😡" and he refused to go on a date with you until he was the one who officially asked.

-Anyways, you two went on a date and it went off from there.

-Dallas and you went out on occasional dates while you two dated just to make sure the love was still there.

-Obviously you two do the deed a lot.


-At first you were nervous because you know about all of Dallas's past relationships and you didn't want him to be in it for just the sex. So you made him wait at least three months before you did it.

-He waited. He tried a few times to see if you were ready but you weren't and he respected that.

-Once you were ready to do that kind of stuff, it was slow and gradually introduced into your relationship. And then you kind of got addicted :D

-But not in a bad way.

-Anyways onto something else.

-If you smoke weed, you two get high together. High as fuck. Johnny and Ponyboy will smoke with you guys on occasion whenever you end up hanging out together.

-Speaking of Johnny, YOU LITERALLY ADOPT HIM.

-If you aren't with Dal, you're with Johnny.

-You and Johnny platonically cuddle with each other. Dally doesn't mind it but if it were any other guy...


-No literally. The only guys he's okay with you hanging out with are the gang and only if you aren't hanging out with them one on one. If you're with any other guy, just talking or whatever, he's all over you.

-Kissing your neck, grabbing your ass, pulling you to him, and glaring at the guy over your shoulder.

-It's so bad to the point you literally have to beat him off of you.

-And it's funny because he pouts away like a child and goes somewhere where he can still see you and continues to glare.

-Sometimes Pony or Soda or honestly any guy in the gang besides Darry will intentionally flirt with you just to see Dallas get jealous.

-If you flirt back, goodbye to a walking ability. :D

-His jealousy is taken out in aggressive sex :D

-Other than all of that, you two have a fairly normal relationship. So many people paint him out to be bad in relationships and toxic and he probably is but let me live out this fantasy.

-No but seriously, he has his toxic moments in the relationship but if he really really loved you he'd treat you like he treats Johnny, except romantically.

-Jally is my brotp and otp

-Um anyways, there are a few moments where you two seriously argue. Most of the time you two banter in a way to irritate each other but sometimes it's taken too far and you guys argue. But eventually you two calm down (probably don't apologize) and you both avoid the topic that made the other upset in the first place.

-One time he made a joke about your daddy issues (let's be honest, if you like Dally, you have daddy issues).

-That pissed you off so you joked about his dad not giving a fuck about him and brought up Sylvia cheating on him :D

-That's one of the times you two were mad at each other.

-On another note, you two have broken up a few times. Like around three times. You guys got back together though so it's okay.

-One of these breakups lasted for three months and it was you who broke up with him.

-You two got back together and did the devils tango directly afterwards and then went on a date :)

-That's all I can think of for your relationship.

-I mean, I guess Dallas would probably leave his clothes all over your room and it irritates you.

-That's all I can think of

-Nevermind I've got another.

-he gives good aftercare.

-Most of the time it's a bubble bath and food.

-Dallas makes really good Mexican food by the way.

-He plays romance songs while he's cooking and he dances for you and uses the spatula or whatever utensil as a microphone.


-By kill you I mean he'll probably chase you halfway across Oklahoma and then wrestle you to the ground until you're completely paralyzed and make you promise to never expose him like that again.

-He's a terrible singer by the way.

-You make fun of him for that. He gets mad when you'd say he's terrible.

-"Shut the fuck up, I'm not that bad! Like you can say anything you harmonica 😡" -something he's definitely said to you.

-By the way, Dallas calls you his bitch and hoe but in private he calls you babe and baby and sometimes sweetheart.

-You've got this boy whipped.

-He also calls you babe and baby in that really whiny voice and it sometimes annoys you.

-Dallas slapped your ass a lot.

-Extremely hard.

-Bruisingly hard.

-He stopped whenever you did it to him and left a bruise on his booty.

-Safe to say he didn't like it.

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