Roe vs Wade Case

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  I'm currently pissed off about the Roe vs Wade case. WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY OVERTURN IT? This is basically just about how they would feel about Roe vs Wade. In this scenario, you're for abortion and your angry abt it being overturned.


  I have a feeling Darry is very republican. It's the 60's so he probably is. Darry was watching you angrily pace around the room and shit and asking you why you were angry. And him being a republican man, he doesn't understand why you're angry about abortion being close to illegal. "Isn't it murder though?" "No it's NOT." "Then why have sex if you don't want a kid? It's kind of dumb. Just use protection." You would whip around at him angrily and glare. "Use protection? USE PROTECTION? First of all, protection doesn't always work! Second of all, what about rape?!" He just stared at you blankly as he began to think. It was kind of starting to make sense. "You gonna just have a condom on you in case you get raped? Or birth control?"


  He really didn't care. He's a republican but not heavily one. "Don't be so angry. It's not like they're taking away women's rights to vote." He said drunkenly. You pouted. "It's close enough to it. I mean, what're we supposed to do? Not everyone has protection available to them, there's rape and incest, and did you forget the doctors NEED the husbands permission to get your tubes tied? That's just dumb as hell. I mean, it's my body! I can get my tubes tied or get an abortion if I want! You don't see them putting restrictions on whether or not men can get jerked off or if they have to have their wife's permission for a vasectomy." Two-bit pat your head to soothe you. "It'll work itself out, I'm sure of it. Before you know it, we'll be at a protest or something."


I love Dallas but he can be insufferable sometimes. He's pretty much a republican too. "Why are they banning abortions?!" You found yourself hollering after a few minutes of watching tv. Dallas looked at you like you had four eyes. "Because it's murder man." You gasped and pushed him away from you. The topic of political stuff never came up between you two. "No it's not!" "Um yes it is. You going dumb or something Y/n?" You scoffed at him and stood from your comfortable place of the couch. "No! Abortion is not murder. It's a fucking clump of cells growing inside a woman's body like parasite." Dallas glared at you. "It's alive, y/n. 'Life as soon as he nuts" or however that Bible phrase goes." He flipped the channels and tried to change the topic. He's being unbelievable! "No! By your logic then you should stop masturbating because that's mass murder." He turned towards you. "No-" "Should I stop giving you blow jobs then? Because that's cannibalism on my part." "Y/n-" "oh oh oh, and should we just stop fucking all together? 'Life as soon as he nuts', well you finish in a condom or in me, so we're technically killing thousands of babies by your standards!"


  He didn't even know what roe vs wade was until you explained it. He's not very up to date with all the political things. "So they're banning abortions?" He asked with absolutely no interest. "Yeah. It's bullshit." "Eh. I don't really care." He continued doing what he doing (probably ogling a car or something really gay) and that made you upset. "Steveee." You whine. "It's not fair. They're taking my rights as a woman away." Steve didn't look up or pay much attention to you. "How's it taking your rights away? It's just a ban on abortion." "It's my body, my choice. You don't see them telling men what they need to do with their bodies. It takes two to make a baby so why don't they do something about men instead of women for once."


  He didn't think much of it until you showed visible anger. Then he started to care. "They're banning abortions. I swear to god if I get pregnant, I'm just gonna kill myself." Sodapop laughed nervously but you were dead serious. "Don't do that love. And besides, it's not like we'll get pregnant anyways. We're always safe." He gave you a soft smile. You rolled your eyes. "Still. What about other girls? Ones who need abortions? And isn't the world overpopulated as it is? It's a stupid decision to overturn it honestly." 


  He doesn't really know much about the whole situation so you took a lot of time to explain it him. "-and that's why it's bad to ban abortions." Johnny pressed his lips together and looked slightly worried. "Golly Y/n, I never knew you were so passionate about political stuff." "It ain't even political anymore! It's taking away my rights as a human being." Johnny nodded in agreement. "Maybe it'll change? I'm sure there will be plenty of protests on it. We can even go to one of you want!" You giggle and nod. "Sure. Thanks John. The Supreme Court really sucks ass."


  Please! You guys talked about it for hours upon hours. You guys were pretty much on the same page. "Like, why do old men get to decide what millions of people want?!" You exclaim. Ponyboy's expression grew extreme and he nodded in agreement. "Exactly!" "And you know none of those baby daddies are staying around! Like why don't they put a ban on abandoning your children instead?" "Right! And what about the bad parents? You know there's gonna be some babies in dumpsters and some will have the imprint of a coat hanger on 'em." You gasp and slap Pony's shoulder. "Ponyboy!" "It's true!" You simply giggle.

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