In the Mornings with Him

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  You wake Darry up a little later than he used to get up because he doesn't have to worry about cooking breakfast anymore since you do it.
  "You feel like pancakes?" Is what you usually ask him. His response is usually groggy and shrouded with tiredness. "Sure. Chocolate pancakes?"
  And with a smile, "of course."





Wake up!

  BITCH WAKE UP!" And that's how Two-Bit wakes you up.


  You two wake up in the afternoon 😭 neither of you go to bed early. So I guess this is an afternoon conversation. "Wanna go rob the Curtis' of food, doll?" Is the first thing he says.
  "Of course."


I swear to god. You guys can probably already guess that I have it out for Steve 🙄 I don't hate him, he just looks like a bitch. He would literally scream at the top of his lungs in your ears to wake you up. He sounds like a fucking siren. "WHAT THE FUCK STEVE?" Is what you say back. Er, scream back. Then he laughs like a maniac.


  This man. He's so precious. He would massage your sides until you wake up. When you finally peek open your eyes, he smiles and starts littering compliments at you. "You're so cute in the mornings. Your bed head is adorable." He ruffles your hair and kissed you. You groan and giggle.


  You guys sleep in a little late because he doesn't have a good home life and he's finally comfortable somewhere. Usually he wakes up because he's very sensitive to movement and you squirm a lot. So he'll stare at you. And stare. And then you wake up. And he says, "you drool in your sleep." With a little laugh. And you blush and wipe your mouth and he just kisses you. "It's cute though."






"What..." He sounded awfully irritated and snappy.
You whimpered but smiled. "Get up! Let's go watch the sunrise!" Ponyboy jumped up and stared at you with a sudden newfound energy. "Really?"


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