Preference: When They Get Mad

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  Not gonna lie, he'd probably start hollering and take it out on the wrong person. Or he'd be really tired and grumpy.


  He would try to calm down and drink a little bit and if that doesn't work, he picks a fight.


  Yells 😁 fights 😀 breaks the law 🗿. He would go searching for trouble. Johnny's the only one who can calm him down. Not gonna lie, Dallas can be toxic as fuck whenever he gets angry. He'll blame his anger on anyone who will be in a five foot radius of him. One time he got angry and blamed it on Pony and punched Pony in the face which didn't end well for him because Soda and him and Darry almost got into a damn fist fight. Thank god Johnny stopped it.


  He's the type to punch a hole in the wall. If he doesn't do that then he'll go out for a drive. This man would be going triple the speed limit and almost crashed and died once.


  He'd huff and puff but try to breathe through it. If he gets angry enough, he'll yell and then run off. He gets extremely angry whenever Ponyboy and Darry fight and runs off (as seen in the movie). Most of the time he has very good anger management and rarely breaks down.


  He hides his anger very well. He keeps his cool and hides it until he finally breaks and starts acting like a crazy person. When Soda got cheated on, he got extremely upset at Sandy and turned into Rue Bennett. "You act like you're an innocent Angel who has no fucking clue what they're doing, you know what the fuck you're doing!""You're just a fucking greedy whore!" He cursed the fuck out of Sandy. That's the worst it'll get. Otherwise he's chill.


  He'd hide his anger until he finally has a breakdown and starts freaking bawling his eyes out when he's alone. He doesn't like snapping at people and regrets the few times he snapped at others so he prefers just crying over it later.

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