Chapter 2

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The morning lesson with Princess Eunji and Scholar Min-hyung was dreadful. Princess Eunji would try everything to get the scholar's attention but would fail miserably. After failed attempts for the scholar's attention, her main agenda was to torture Princess Young-mi. Again

"ugh Young-mi, would you be a dear and fetch me a glass of water with ice? I'm feeling rather parched", she said in a mocking tone.

Scholar Min-hyung looked up and shot an apologetic look towards Princess Young-mi, apologizing for he couldn't stand up for her despite wanting to. But the poor lad could do nothing but sit and watch. Princess Young-mi flashed a reassuring smile to him.

"Of course Princess Eunji, I'll be right back", she said before dismissing herself.

The morning lessons have passed and now the Princess is having lunch on the terrace of the Royal Garden. It was one of the places where Princess Young-min felt safe. The only place where she felt at peace. This may be due to the fact that her mother, the late Queen A-yeong, had tended to the Royal Garden long before she had been born. The Princess could feel her mother's love in the garden. Looking up at the clear afternoon sky, she took a deep breath.

"What a beautiful day" Princess Young-mi said feeling content.

"I agree", a deep voice resonated through the Princess' ear, startling her. She looked to her side, to see a tall young man, seemingly around her age but he looked a few years older. He wore luxurious clothes fit for a Nobleman. His facial features were charming and every woman would swoon over him. He had dark brown eyes, plump lips and high cheekbones that made him look rather mischievous. The Princess was taken aback by his strikingly good features.

"Oh I'm sorry Your Highness, I just saw you here by yourself and thought I'd give you some company," the unknown man said.

"And who might you be?" the Princess inquired, suddenly wary of the man. After all the years living in the Palace she has learned to never trust anyone.

"Oh me? I'm just a nobody. I haven't made my debut to society yet. Though everyone knows my father; he has quite the name." The man explained hesitantly.

"And your father is?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out Your Highness. You'll find out in time", he said cheekily flashing his mischievous smile at the Princess before walking away. 'Weird, not many people know about this part of the Palace. Then how could he...' the Princess thought.

"Your Highness, it is time for the Accolade of the new knights!" Lady Jang yelled for the Princess.

"Right, I'll be right there", she answered, making her way to the place where the event would take place. Her mind was still wondering about the man she had met earlier.

Princess Young-mi made her way to the left hand side of Queen Soojin. Flashing her a quick smile and the Queen reciprocating it. Queen Soojin was one of the few people in the Palace who would care for her. She was the close friend of  the former Queen, but later married King Eodum for political benefits. Unlike King Eodum, Queen Soojin treated Both Princesses fairly.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty. How are you feeling today?" Princess Young-mi asked politely to her aunt.

"Why, I'm doing quite fine today, child. Have you been getting enough sleep? Looks like your eyebags have gotten heavier...were you up reading again? Goodness child, how many times did I tell you?" The Queen said in a worried tone, though she wasn't her mother she sure acted like it, but the Princess was grateful for it. She was happy that there was at least one person in her family that cared for her, and that was enough.

Before the Princess could answer the Queen's questions, she was interrupted. "Soojin do you really have to interact with that?" King Eodum said, tone full of disgust. Behind him was his daughter, snickering.

"Dear, Princess Young-mi is still part of the Royal Family, treat her with some respect." Queen Soojin said firmly. The King and Princess Eunji just ignored her and looked ahead. Princess Young-mi stood there clenching her gown, a bad habit she developed that formed wrinkles on her beautiful dresses. Her eyes filled with tears that were threatening to fall.

She quickly collected herself and looked towards the crowd. Scanning through the sea of people, she locked eyes with someone.  The man she met in the Royal Garden.



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