Chapter 24

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"Thank you for having us for dinner, Your Majesty." Lord Eun said on the dinner table. King Eodum had invited the Choi Family for dinner.

"Oh no need thank me. After all, we're all family here." King Eodum said, flashing a smile that was clearly fake. Princess Young-mi's grip on the utensils tightened as she heard what that horrid man had just said. From across the table, Princess Eunji softly scoffed at what her father had just said. Princess Eunji had finally seen the light, she now did not consider the man her father after what he did.

Princess Young-mi could not believe the audacity of that monster. The fact that he can say that in front of her disgusted her. The fact that she was the daughter of the couple he had killed disgusted her. The fact that they were related disgusted her.

Sir Yeonjun noticed how stiff his wife became, he quickly took her hand in his, trying to calm her down. The couple looked at one another and smiled.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate both of you. I honestly never thought Princess Young-mi would ever get married. What did she do to attract you, young man?" This time, it was Sir Yeonjun's turn to get furious.

"What are you implying, Your Majesty?" Sir Yeonjun asked politely, though his grip of the Princess' hand had tightened at his comment.

"Oh I'm simply voicing my opinion. If I were you, I'd never marry that thing."  Sir Yeonjun was about to burst; however, he was held back by his wife.

"Father! You cannot say that! Princess Young-mi is part of the royal family. She deserves our respect."  Princess Eunji repeated what her mother said. Princess Young-mi looked at her cousin, shocked that she stood up for her.

King Eodum, too, was surprised that his own beloved daughter defended Princess Young-mi. He looked at his daughter with a scowl on his face, unhappy about her earlier words.

"Well, Your Majesty, I think it is safe to say that no one in this room, in fact not a single soul, asked for your opinion." Princess Young-mi fired back at King Eodum. Upon hearing her words, Sir Yeonjun struggled to hold his laughter, this action went unnoticed by The King.

King Eodum was flustered at how the weak Princess Young-mi had just stood up for herself. He did not know what to do or how to react, and that bothered him. The way Princess Young-mi continued eating, unbothered by King Eodum made him fume.

"Well it seems as though our Princess Young-mi had grown some guts." King Eodum chuckled.

"Oh no, I just had a revelation. And, I found something extremely interesting about my parents and yourself, Your Majesty." Princess Young-mi said with a smile on her face. King Eodum's smile slowly faded away.

"And what exactly did you find out?" He said, suddenly feeling nervous. Princess Young-mi chuckled with a glint in her eyes.

"Oh nothing really, but what I want you to know is; Whatever that comes your way, you deserve everything. You bear the consequences of your actions." King Eodum stared at her with shock evident in his eyes.

"Now, I suppose the newlywed couple is very tired after a long day. Why don't we head back to our rooms and call it a night. Thank you once again, Your Majesty for having us."  Lady Eunkyung announced.

Soon in the dining room, King Eodum was left. He could shake the unsettling feeling away.

"Fuck! What if she found everything out!" King Eodum yelled, his deep voice resonated in the empty dining room. What is he going to do now? He might loses his throne to his niece, he swore to himself he would never let that happen.

While Princess Young-mi and Sir Yeonjun were walking back to their chambers, there was a voice that called out for the Princess. They both turned back to see Princess Eunji. Sir Yeonjun instinctively pushed his wife behind her. This action was not unnoticed by Princess Eunji, she was not offended by it, however, it saddened her.

"I came here to apologise for everything I've done to you, Princess Young-mi. I know you might be doubting my sincerity in this apology but please know that I am really truly sorry." Princess Young-mi's heart softened at the sight of her cousin.

"And why should we believe you? Your father might have set you up for this." Sir Yeonjun spat.

"If it makes any difference, I heard Scholar Min-hyung and My father speak on the day my mother passed. It turns out that my father killed my own mother." Princess Eunji said in a small voice. At her words, Sir Yeonjun let his guard down.

Princess Young-mi walked towards her cousin and engulfed her in a hug. Sir Yeonjun quietly gestured to his wife that he would be taking his leave so as to give the ladies some privacy.

"I forgive you, Princess Eunji." Upon hearing her cousin's words, her eyes welled up with tears.

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