Chapter 14

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"You? Marrying...that mess? HAH! And why would you marry her?" Princess Eunji laughed. The ballroom was quiet, everyone was shocked, including Princess Young-mi.

"Father, are you really going to let him marry her?" The King hesitated to answer.

"No, I will not permit you to marry Princess Young-mi." Queen Soojin looked at King Eodum with disbelief.

"Dear, the late King Young-min, your brother had promised Princess Young-mi to Sir Yeonjun. Even though you are the current King, it is the law to honour the previous King's wishes."

"That's right, Your Majesty, so please allow me to marry Princess Young-mi." King Eodum hesitated once again, before reluctantly agreeing. The crowd dispersed once the situation died down.

Sir Yeonjun turned to Princess Young-mi, who looked utterly confused.

"Your Highness, you must be very confused, please let me explain." Sir Yeonjun led the Princes to the Royal Garden and sat her down at the terrace where they had first met.

"Your Highness, do you remember the girl I had told you about when we met outside the Palace? The girl that I loved?" Sir Yeonjun asked. The Princess nodded.

"She's actually right in front of me; You're the girl that I loved from afar. I was with your father when you were born."

"You've met my father?" Sir Yeonjun nodded.

"He was very excited to meet you. You are so much like your parents, I see bits and pieces of them in you. And may I just say, if they were here they'd be very proud of you." Warm tears filled her eyes. Taken aback by tears in her eyes, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her petite body.

"Your Highness, why are you crying? Is it because of me? You should be disappointed as you're marrying me..." Yeonjun mumbled.

"No, Your Grace, I am actually relieved. I am grateful that I am promised to you. If we're being honest right now, you make me feel safe, and I like it. I love the way you make me feel". Princess Young-mi confessed. The youths stayed in the garden until late into the night, enjoying each other's company.

Scholar Min-hyung, on the other hand, watched them from afar. His heart shattered into a million pieces. Seeing the women he loved with someone else broke his heart. He was always one step behind. Even when Sir Yeonjun and Princess Young-mi were dancing earlier that night, he felt envious of the man holding the Princess.

Feeling disheartened, he resorted to walking back home in the cold night.

Kicking the pebbles in the path he walked, Scholar Min-hyung cursed at himself. He cursed himself as he could not stand up for Princess Young-mi, just like what Sir Yeonjun did, whenever her cousin had talked down to her.

He cursed himself for being too late to confess his feelings for the Princess even though he was given countless opportunities.

He cursed himself for being a coward.

"God Min-hyung, you're so dumb." He said to himself.

In the King's study, there stood King Eodum. He was in a distressed state as a result of the earlier events.

"This is not going to work. Marrying Young-mi off to the Choi Family would give her power as she has The Chois as in-laws." King Eodum muttered to himself.

"At the same time, I can't dishonour the previous King's wishes." His train of thoughts was lost when the doors of the study opened revealing Princess Eunji.

"You wanted to see me, father?"

"Young lady, I am disappointed with your actions earlier this evening. How could you insult a member of the Choi Family? You, of all people, should know how much power they have."

"I know, I apologise, father."

"Alright, you're dismissed."

Walking out of the study, Princess Eunji cursed Sir Yeonjun and her cousin.

"Just what is the Choi Family planning?" King Eodum asked himself, creases forming on his forehead.

Princess Eunji walked back to her room. She was fuming. Her night was ruined. Because of her. Princess Eunji had looked forward to the ball so that she could dance with Scholar Min-hyung.

But, it turns out that Scholar Min-hyung had his eyes on someone else; Her cousin. Of all the people in the world, he had his eyes on Princess Young-mi.

That fact alone drove Princess Eunji to lose her sanity. All her life, her father had been comparing the two Princesses. Behind closed doors, King Eodum pressured his daughter to be as 'perfect' as her cousin. She was pushed to be as graceful, as elegant, as smart, and as beautiful as her cousin. But she was no match. To her father, Princess Eunji was lacking in so many ways compared to her cousin.

That led Princess Eunji to despise her cousin.

"My dearest cousin, I will rip you into pieces. Just sit tight." Princess Eunji muttered slowly.

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