The hot sun shined down in the desert as a sandstone column collapsed into a pile of sand. The Crystal Gems began to climb over the sand pile, with Steven crawling on the ground.
"W-Water... Water... So thirsty... For water..." Steven says weakly.
"It'll be safer if you stand up and walk." Pearl tells him
"You don't... understand..." Steven says as he keeps crawling. "This... is how... you're supposed to act... in the desert..."
"I think that's just in the movies Steven." Y/n says as he appears on the sand pile himself now with his hand raised to shield his eyes from the hot sun. On his back sat a small back pack.
Steven quickly grows tired of his act and gets up, sweating. "Is this the thing? The place?" He asks now.
"Yes, Steven." Garnet answers and A silhouette of a temple can be seen in the distance by them, as another sandstone column collapses. "The power in the structures have turned aimless.
"It's building columns with no roofs, stairs that go nowhere! This is out of control!" Pearl cries.
"Then I guess we better...!" Amethyst leap-frogs over Steven and end up rolling down the small sand pile. "Roll on over there. Heheh." She jokes.
"That was a bit unnecessary." Pearl comments.
"Nuh-nuh nuh nuh nuh, nuh nuh nuh nuh." Amethyst hums in the way Pearl had said before.
"Excuse me?!" Pearl asks annoyed.
The sound of a roar is heard however and it startles Steven. "What was that?!" He asks.
"Let's go!" Amethyst says getting up.
"It'll be best if you two stay here." Garnet says to Y/n and Steven now.
"We'll be quick." Pearl adds as she and Amethyst begin to walk away.
"Wait!" Steven calls out getting Garnet's attention. "What if something eats me and Y/n?!" He asks.
"Do not worry... Wet One." Garnet says as she wipes the sweat off Steven's face and flicks it back at him. "There's nothing out here that can harm you. "See you soon." She says leaving to join Pearl and Amethyst as they head to the temple.
"We'll be here." Y/n calls out as he turns to Steven. "Why don't we find some shade." He suggests and Steven nods. Steven and Y/n walk down the sand pile to sit in the shade under a sandstone column.
"It's. So. Desert." Steen groans as he puts his shirt over his eyes.
"Here." Y/n says as he opens his backpack and hands a water bottle to Steven. Steven gratefully takes the water and begins to drink. "When the gems said we were coming to the desert I thought it best to prepare." Y/n says as he takes out a bottle of water for himself. The two take a big drink before letting out satisfied sighs.
The moment is short lived however when Steven hears a low groaning. "What was that?" He asks Y/n and scans his surroundings.
"It's okay Steven. It's probably closer to the temple and the gems." Y/n tells him.
"Yeah, Nothing can harm me. I, am the Wet One." Steven reminds himself but Steven then spots a shadowy figure, which glares in his direction and frightens him, and he runs to hide behind the sandstone column.
"Steven what's wrong?" Y/n quickly asks getting up and heading to Steven on the other side of the Column.
"I saw a figure in the desert!" Steven cries worried.

Being Human
FanfictionWhen a Young Adult has to suddenly move across the country with his dad he ends up in the town of Beach City. Will his life be a mundane existence or will there be something in this town that turns his whole world upside down?