Garnet and Steven warp back onto the Crystal Temple Warp Pad, with Steven still traumatized back what happened in Korea.
"This can't be happening." Steven says.
"Steven! You're back!" Pearl says getting up.
"Hey, Steve-O." Amethyst says appearing from the kitchen. "We're sorry about earlier...
"Forget that! We have to catch up with her!"
"What!?" Pearl cries.
"Who?" Amethyst asks.
"Blue Diamond." Garnet informs them.
"Blue Diamond!?" Pearl starts panicking. "O..O...On Earth!?"
"Holy smokes! They're all coming out of the woodwork." Amethyst cries.
"Amethyst, turn into a chair. I...I need to sit down." Pearl says still in shock.
"She took Y/n and Dad! She alien-abducted them, and it's all my fault!" Steven tells them now.
"She took Y/n!?" Pearl cries horrified.
"How are we gonna get them back!?" Amethyst asks.
"What did she even want them for? To eat them!? T-to put them in a zoo!?" Steven rambles.
"Wait. That might be it." Pearl says thinking now.
"She's gonna eat them!?" Steven gasps.
"What? No. But there was a... No. No, it couldn't possibly still exist. Not since we..." Pearl ponders.
"That's right! Pink Diamond's insidious human zoo." Garnet comments.
"What?" Steven asks.
"During her reign on Earth, Pink Diamond stole humans from their families as trophies of her conquest." Garnet tells him.
"You gotta be kidding..." Amethyst says in disbelief.
"Oh no. It was very serious. When I still served..." Pearl glances away for a moment "...Homeworld, I saw it myself. A private menagerie deep in space. Humans in captivity. We were never able to rescue them. We had no way to get to them after the war. But, that was over 5,000 years ago."
"You really think Y/n and Greg are there?" Amethyst asks.
"Steven, Blue Diamond wanted them alive?" Pearl asks Steven now.
"Yes! Yes! She liked them especially Y/n!" Steven quickly says.
"I can't think of anywhere else she'd put them if she wanted to keep them, that is if the zoo's still there." Pearl says now.
"It's our only chance! But, how are we going to get there?" Steven asks.
"With the Roaming Eye." Garnet says now.
"The Ruby ship?" Amethyst asks.
"That's right. We're going into space, and we're not coming back without Y/n and Greg." Garnet tells them.
The Crystal Gems arrive at the barn, and Peridot is seen inspecting the interior of the Roaming Eye.
"Let's see. Rear pulsar trackers are tracking pulsars. The atmosphere shield seems functional, but you're not going to need that in space, obviously." Peridot comments.
"Well, make sure it is safe for Steven." Garnet tells her.
"He should be fine." Peridot says before something comes to her mind. "But, I think I should go in and change the system preferences the Rubies set. How do you feel about green lights instead of red?"

Being Human
FanfictionWhen a Young Adult has to suddenly move across the country with his dad he ends up in the town of Beach City. Will his life be a mundane existence or will there be something in this town that turns his whole world upside down?