After escaping in Blue Diamond's palanquin, Steven, Y/n and Lars had crash-landed in the dark caverns down below. The three of them slowly emerge from the broken wreckage of the palanquin.
"Y/n! Lars! Are you okay?" Steven asks them.
"Thanks to your bubble." Lars groans. "My bones are only a little broken."
Steven chuckles. "My bones too." he holds out his hand to help Lars up.
"Wish I could say the same about my butt...feels like I broke it." Y/n says as he pushes himself up and rubs it.
Lars and Steven share a chuckle at this as Lars grabs Steven's hand and gets up. "Dude, those giant ladies were furious with you!"
"They're the Diamonds. Rulers of Homeworld." Y/n says.
"They've been after my mom for 6,000 years, and now they're after me!" Steven explains to Lars.
'They are coming...' Y/n hears a voice say and he looks around but see's no one.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Steven asks.
"Nothing....Come on, we got to move." Y/n says to the two.
Y/n, Steven and Lars get out from the broken palanquin now and begin running into the dark and desolate underground of Homeworld.
"How are we supposed to get off this planet? Do you guys even know where you're going?" Lars asks.
"No, this is our first time here too." Steven says.
"Oh, this is so messed up. What are we gonna eat?" Lars asks.
"There's tons of food if you like rocks for dinner." Steven says before he hears a strange noise.
"Salt is a rock, right? Maybe we could season some dirt and make a meal." Lars says as he tips over a rock with his foot.
"Wait!" Steven says hearing something before he cups his ears to listen out for the noise again, when Lars' stomach starts grumbling.
"Ughhh, sorry." Lars says.
Just then, a robonoid comes in behind Steven, Y/n and Lars.
"They found us! Run!"
"Wait! If we stand perfectly still it won't see us. I saw it in a movie once!" Lars says.
"There is no way that will work!" Y/n says.
The Robonoid beams a red light at Steven, Y/n and Lars and begins scanning them both, when it detects Steven's gemstone underneath his shirt it beeps.
"That sounds good." Lars tries to say.
The Robonoid then begins charging an energy beam.
"Time to move!" Y/n cries as he grabs the two's shirts and drags them out the way just the Robonoid fires its energy beam, causing a head of a Gem statue behind them to explode.
"I think that movie... was about dinosaurs." Lars says.
"Shut up about the Dinosaurs!" Y/n says frustrated.
After missing, the Robonoid quickly turns its attention onto Steven again.
"Y/n, Lars, come on!" Steven says as he starts running and both of them follow him, they all run around a corner, while the Robonoid gives chase and scans its surroundings losing them for a moment.

Being Human
FanfictionWhen a Young Adult has to suddenly move across the country with his dad he ends up in the town of Beach City. Will his life be a mundane existence or will there be something in this town that turns his whole world upside down?