102. Sadie Killer

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Steven enters the Big Donut, where now he see the  tired Sadie talking to Y/n as she almost  unconsciously, begins to mop the floor.

"Hey Y/n! Hey Sadie!" Steven greets them and Y/n gives a smile and a wave.

"Hey, Steven. What'll it be?" Sadie asks him.

"Sorry to be a pain, but I got kind of a long order. I hope it's not too much trouble." Steven says.

"What trouble?" Sadie chuckles. "I'm a professional donut girl." She says before she walks behind the counter.

"Okay... I'll have one jelly donut with powdered sugar on the side, three chocolate frosted, one frosted chocolate, two chocolate-frosted chocolate, one dog-nut medium well, one coffee with milk and sugar, hold the coffee. I also have several methods of payment I'd like you to split this order across evenly."

"That's a lot of Donuts... Amethyst must be pretty hungry." Y/n comments.

"Actually there for band practice!" Steven tells Y/n.

"You're in a band?!" Sadie suddenly asks Steven.

"Kinda. I started jamming with Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream!" Steven tells the two.

"Sound pretty cool." Y/n says. 

"Aww man! I bet you guys sound amazing!" Sadie adds.

"We're still trying to figure out our sound, but it's been fun just playing music with other people. It's also nice to have an outlet that doesn't involve space and Gem stuff and everything else going on." Steven admits.

"I know exactly what you mean." Y/n sighs.

"Um... You doing okay?" Steven asks Sadie now.

"Well, I worry about Lars being in space, and I hope he's safe and all, but... Ughh... Working all these shifts by myself has been a huge drag. I'm totally used to doing his work, but I'm used to at least having him here to talk to. Now, I gotta do that myself, too. "'Oh, come on, Sadie, you missed a spot!' Oh, no, sorry." She starts to mop the floor.

"Well, we'll all be practicing at Sour Cream's place tonight. You two should stop by if you have time." Steven suggests now.

"I'm in." Y/n says.

"I'll try!" Sadie then says. "Hopefully, I can finish restocking napkins early. We're always running out for some reason."

Steven takes a whole stack of napkins. "Hmm, weird. Well, see ya, Sadie!" Steven says to her as he leaves the shop, leaving a trail of napkins. "You coming Y/n?" Steven asks.

"Sure, See ya Sadie." Y/n waves.

"Bye, Y/n, Steven." Sadie waves back.

Steven, Y/n, Jenny and Sour Cream are seen hanging outside of the garage of Sour Cream's house while he is experimenting with his Launchpad.

"What do ya call that style?" Y/n asks.

"Beachcore." Sour Cream says.

Buck arrives, running in with a guitar case on his back. "Hey."

"What's up, Buck?" Jenny asks him.

"Guess who's got a gig at Delmarva's number-two music and seafood festival this weekend?!" Buck asks them.

"Chugi and the Woo Woos?" Jenny asks.

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