76.Back To The Moon

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"The Rubies are back?!" Steven asks in shock.

"They showed up on their little ship acting very angry." Lapis says. "So I put them in time-out."

"I thought we were done with these guys..." Y/n sighs.

Steven walks up to the Rubies now.  "Why did you come back here?"

"Let's release one and just ask what they're up to." Garnet says.

"Ooh, ooh! Can I pick?" Steven asks.

"Go for it." Garnet says.

Steven walks closer and scans through the Rubies. "Hmm..." He ponders for a moment. O"h! Let's talk to...Leggy!"

"Leggy?" Pearl repeats the name confused.

"You gave them names?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, I named them based on the placement of their gems. There's "Leggy", "Army", "Navy", "Eyeball", and, uh... "Doc". "Leggy" seems like the easiest to talk to." Steven explains.

"Leggy, come on down!" Lapis says as she pops the water bubble trapping "Leggy", and she falls onto the ground.

"Hey! Hi, I'm Steven. What brings you back to Earth?" Steven asks her.

"Uh..." Leggy stammer as she sits up. "I... don't... know?" She shrugs.

"Oh, uh, I understand. I used to forget why we go on missions all the time." Steven admits.

"You still do that sometimes." Y/n chuckles.

"I'll just go stand over here then." Leggy awkwardly says as they walk over to stand by the fence.

"Let's take a chance on Army." Steven says next.

Army's bubble pops and she falls to the ground.

"Good afternoon..."

"RAAH!" Army cries as she charges toward Steven in rage. "I'll tear you limb..." But Garnet picks Army up by the back of her tunic. "Huh?" 

"Hey! Don't be like that." Garnet tells her.

"Why I oughta razzle-frazzle your..." Army flails about while mumbling angrily.

"Aww." Garnet says before she tucks Army under her arm.

"Hey, what the..." Army continues to flail her legs and continues mumbling angrily.

"Haha, your Sapphire is showing Garnet." Y/n says to her. 

Garnet just smiles. "Next!" she calls out.

"Ehh... Navy?" Steven suggests.

Navy is then freed from her water bubble.

"If I remember correctly, we were on Earth..." Navy says before she pauses and sees the Gems staring at her, causing her to blush and look away. "Uh... hah! This is so embarrassing!" She covers her face. "Oh-ho..." She looks back at the Gems. "Aah!" She runs away and cowers next to Leggy.

"Okay, Eyeball?" Steven says next.

Eyeball is then released.

"I'm not tellin' y'all nothin' about nothin!" Eyeball says as she crosses her arms and growls.

"Well that was useful..." Y/n sighs.

"The only one left now is, uh... Doc." Steven says as everyone looks at the last Ruby in a bubble before she is released.

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