69. Monster Reunion

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Steven was is in his bedroom inspecting one of his teddy bears. "Oh no! MC Bear-Bear, you've got a tear-tear!" He says as he turns the bear to reveal a tear underneath the bear's armpit. "I should have been more careful. We've lost too many good bears. Don't worry. You're hurt, but I'll look after you. Mwah!"  Steven kisses MC Bear-Bear and gasps, as the tear magically mends itself back together.

"Guys? Guys?!" Steven calls out as he runs down from his bedroom to meet Y/n and the Gems who were talking in the kitchen.

"What's up, little Ste-cup?" Amethyst asks.

Pearl was holding a plate while Y/n held a few others in his arms. "We were just about to put away the dishes." Pearl says to Steven

Steven snatches the plate off Pearl's hands. "Look what I can do!" Steven smashes the plate on the ground, to Pearl's shock and Amethyst's approval.

"Aw dude I just washed that..." Y/n says as he looks at the broken plate.

"All right! It's a Ste-party!" Amethyst cheers.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Pearl cries.

"My healing spit is back! I fixed a rip on MC Bear-Bear! Here, I'll show you!" Steven licks his hand, preparing to "heal" the plate, but Pearl quickly halts him.

"Fine, fine, I believe you. I don't want you touching a broken plate. I'll find a broom." Pearl sighs.

"I'll find some other stuff to break!" Amethyst says as she starts to run off to find more things to break.

"No, Amethyst!" Pearl cries as she chases Amethyst.

Y/n sighs now as he puts the plates in his hands down now and rounds the counter beginning to pick up the pieces of broken plate. 

Steven turns to the temple now.  "Now that my healing spit is back... maybe I can finally-

"No." Garnet says.

"What?" Steven asks shocked. "But, I didn't even ask anything yet."

"With my future vision, I can see you're going to ask if you could use your power to heal one of the monsters in the bubble room." Garnet says.

"Can you see if I can get you to change your mind?" Steven asks raises his hands in a begging motion.

The Gems and Y/n were accompanying Steven into the Burning Room now.

"Why did you agree to this?" Pearl asks Garnet.

"I lost a battle of will." Is the only answer Garnet gives.

"You know I have to admit, I'm curious to see if it will work." Y/n says as he looks up at the bubbled gems. "It would be nice if it does." 

Steven points upwards now. "Here it is!" Steven jumps up and grabs a bubbled gem. "Gotcha!"

Y/n moves to stand beside Steven as he looks at the gem in the bubble. "Is that..."

"Yeah It's Centipeetle. If I can help any of them, I want to help her first." Steven says to him.

Amethyst summons her whip and reels in a bubbled Chaaaaps to her. "Don't forget these!"

Steven gasps. "Chaaaaps! They're her favorite!" 

"Chaps huh? That really takes me back." Y/n says.

"Okay. You guys ready?" Steven asks everyone.

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