The Star Skipper ship was heavily damaged from the battle against Emerald's Destiny Destroyer. Stevonnie attempts to regain control of the ship as it spirals through space, when a screen of Lars pops up on the windshield.
"That did it! Emerald is on the run!" Lars says.
"Lars! We're hit! Nothing's working!" Stevonnie tells him.
"Wha?! Hold on! What is your course? I'll try to intercept..." Lars says shocked.
The screen warbles as the connection is suddenly cut off, and the screen disappears.
"Lars?!" Stevonnie presses random buttons on a panel. "What is wrong with you, ship?!"
Warning screens appear all around inside the cockpit, indicating critical damage everywhere.
"Pretty much everything!" Y/n says stressed.
"Well, at least the display works" Stevonnie says trying to remain positive.
The display in the ship suddenly fizzles and disappears as well, as the ship continues to dive towards a nearby planet.
"AAHHH! Downer!!" Stevonnie cries as the ship enters the atmosphere of the planet and begins generating a lot of heat, as it falls towards the planet surface.
"I can't pull up! We're gonna crash!" Stevonnie cries.
Y/n and Stevonnie look up, seeing a tree in the ship's trajectory, and brace for impact as the ship crashes into it with an explosion. Debris of the ship falls all around, and both Y/n and Stevonnie roll down, protected inside Steven's bubble.
Stevonnie sighs. "Oh boy." They say getting up and looking around. "Where are we now? Uh... Hello? A-Anyone out there? Anyone at all?"
As Stevonnie begins walking and looking around, a nearby plant begins to expand like a balloon. Y/n and Stevonnie brace themselves, and a large flower blooms from the plant from a bud, surprising them.
Y/n sits up now as he looks around too. "...My Dad is going to kill me..." He sighs and then relaxes. "Right, we're fine. We're alive." He gets up and starts walking with Stevonnie following alongside. "Let's find the ship's radio and Lars will pick us right up."
"Whoa..." Stevonnie looks up to the sky and sees a large Earth-like planet in the distance, barren and fragmented.
"This looks eerily familiar..." Y/n comments.
Suddenly, Stevonnie hears a humming and they turn to see the control panel of the ship cockpit.
Stevonnie gasps. "The cockpit!" They run over to it. "Hello?! This is Star Skipper calling Sun Incinerator. It's Stevonnie! Steven and Connie? We're stranded. We need help! ...Come on! Don't leave us here!" Stevonnie says as the control panel stops humming as the power fades away.
"What do we do now?" Stevonnie worries. "That was our best chance. We can't fix the radio, the ship's beyond hope, no one knows where we are." They groan in frustration. "What do we do?!?"
Just then Y/n hears noises from the nearby bushes. "We got company..." He whispers to Stevonnie while drawing his rapier from its Sheath. Stevonnie summons Steven's shield just in time to block an arthropod-like creature lunging at them and throws it off.
"An alien!"
The creature hisses and lunges towards Stevonnie again. They quickly draw Rose's Sword off their back and slice the creature in half in mid-air. The two halves of the creature fall towards the ground, and to Stevonnie's surprise, four legs sprout from the decapitated head of the creature. The creature gets up, hisses at Stevonnie again, before retreating back into the bushes.

Being Human
FanficWhen a Young Adult has to suddenly move across the country with his dad he ends up in the town of Beach City. Will his life be a mundane existence or will there be something in this town that turns his whole world upside down?