113. Made Of Honor

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Important question at the end 

Steven drops a book titled "Dream Wedding" on the the table, in front of Ruby and Sapphire on the couch.

"This is just to give you some ideas. Ruby said she wanted your reunion as Garnet to be special." Steven says as he begins to tear up in joy. "And there's nothing more special and romantic, than a beautiful wedding!" Steven wipes away his tears.

"It's like they say, 'if you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it.'" Ruby says now.

"But, sweetums, who says that?" Sapphire asks her.

Steven flips through the book. "Let's take a look at printing styles for your invitations."

"Would it be cool if we got flames on it?" Ruby asks.

"Oh, and some dolphins!" Sapphire inputs.

"Yeah! Dolphins with flames!" Ruby says excitedly.

"I think I got exactly what you're looking for on page 135." Steven says flipping through the pages now.

"How long did it take you to put this together?" Sapphire asks Steven now.

"...My entire life." Steven answers.

"This is gonna be the best wedding ever!" Ruby cheers.

Later that day, Y/n had joined the rest of the Crystal Gems, including Peridot, to help work on the invitations.

Pearl was folding a piece of paper. "This folding bone is so nice! Who knew that planning a wedding could be so fun?" She says as she hands the folded paper to Steven

"I did!" Steven say before she stamps ink on the card that reads "You're invited" and displays Ruby and Sapphire holding hands. He then passes the paper to Ruby and Sapphire.

"Time to sign!" Ruby says she signs her initial along with Sapphire on the card.  "Here you go, Peri." she passes the card.

Peridot groans* We've been stuffing these envelopes ALL DAY!" she puts the card in the envelope and hands it to Y/n.

"It's only been 15 minutes Peridot." Y/n chuckles as he hands it to Amethyst.

"Well, How many does that make?" Peridot asks as she plants her face into the couch. 

Amethyst licks and seals the envelope. "That makes TEN!" She says as she stacks the envelope on the stack with others.

"Oh... just... ten. Hmm." Sapphire says a little sadly.

Steven quickly notices Sapphire's concerns.

On the beach, a wedding altar and chairs are set up on the sand. Amethyst walks by with a chair and tosses it on the sand, as Pearl rushes over and fixes it. 

Ruby and Sapphire stand together with Steven at the altar as he reads a script. "So, my Dad will finish playing the music, and then next you'll do the "I do"s. And then I'll say... "I now pronounce you Garnet." Aaand then you fuse! Everyone'll cheer!"

"Everyone... who survived." Sapphire comments.

"Huh?" Ruby says.

"Oh, it's just...There's so many old friends who won't be able to come." Sapphire says now. "All the Crystal Gems who were corrupted and bubbled in the basement."

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