Quick apology if this chapter has any mistakes I'm currently under the weather so may have missed some things, hopefully not though anyways lets get into it.
Y/n, Steven and the gems were at Greg's car wash as Y/n was working to cover for Greg's injury. Pearl was meanwhile examining Greg's broken van, while Garnet and Amethyst lean nearby against the building.
"Wow. Those water constructs really did a number on Greg's van. Hmm..." She hums and looks at a broken tube.
"Ah, give it a rest, Pearl. That thing will be busted forever." Amethyst says.
"I completely disagree. It's just a simple human machine. I'm sure that I can figure this whole thing out before you know it!" Pearl says.
"You might need to replace several of these parts." Y/n say appearing behind the gems now with a hose in hand. "Given the likelihood water got into the electronics, transmission and the engine block it's going to be a tough job." He comments.
"Hey guys!" A voice calls and the group look to the side to see Steven walk in, as Greg scoots over on a movable chair with a hockey stick, carrying a toolbox.
"Thanks again Y/n for agreeing to help out with the car wash while I'm unable too." Greg say to Y/n gratefully.
"It's no worries Greg." Y/n says back to him. "We were just discussing if it's possible to fix your van." Y/n then tells him.
"Zoop! I got something that will patch this van up real good!" Greg says as he starts to looks inside the toolbox.
Pearl gasps. "Is it some kind of complex human tool?" She asks
"Yup, high-quality duct tape!" Greg says as he shows Pearl a roll of duct tape. "Some well placed duct tape can patch anything up in a pinch, see?" He points to his broken leg, with a ruler duct-taped to it.
"I'm sure that I can fix this without your "tape"." Pearl says trying to remain polite.
"Well, gee, at least let me give you a hand." Greg says but he struggles as he tries to stand up.
"Ah! Dad, be careful! Steven says worried and Greg fails to stand, and he sighs. "I'm sorry that you hurt your leg and that your van got smashed up because of us."
Greg pats his head. "You apologize too much. Maybe I shouldn't have tagged along in that crazy adventure. But at least I got to spend some time with my fave guy!"
"What if you stayed with us until you got better?" Steven suddenly suggests.
"Hey, that's a great idea!" Greg says excited. "But, won't I get in the way of your training..."
"Yes!" Pearl quickly interrupts.
"Wait, Steven. Don't you have healing powers now?" Amethyst asks.
Pearl smiles nervously. "Oh, right, yes! You fix Greg, I'll fix the van." She quickly says. "Then Greg doesn't have to live with us." She then mumbles under her breath.
"Oh that's right, you used it to fix Lapis' gem recently." Y/n remembers. "It should work on your dads leg."
Steven gasps. "Yeah! Mm-hmm! Here goes something new and exciting." He licks his hand. "And... go!" He pats his saliva-covered hand on Greg's broken leg. "Okay, you should be better now."
Greg looks down at his leg. "Okay, if you say so." He tries to stand up, but fails again.
"Why didn't it work?" Steven asks.

Being Human
FanfictionWhen a Young Adult has to suddenly move across the country with his dad he ends up in the town of Beach City. Will his life be a mundane existence or will there be something in this town that turns his whole world upside down?