77. Bubbled

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Steven slowly opens his eyes with a ringing in his eyes. As he regains consciousness he sees the Homeworld Rubies scattering in the distance.

"The Rubies?" Steven says confused.

"Huh? Whoa!" Steven cries as he finds himself inside his bubble shield. Inside the bubble with him was Y/n who began to stir now as his eyes slowly opened.

"What happened?" Y/n groans as he sits up in the bubble. 

"Y/n!" Steven cries as he rushes to hug him.

"Woah!" Y/n says as he feels the weight of Steven crash into him. "What's wrong little guy?" Y/n asks Steven but it was now Y/n notices the bubble shield they were in twirling and floating through space at a drastically fast speed. "Oh...I think you saved my life Steven."

Steven's bubble collides with Eyeball, which slows them down.

" You!" Eyeball says.

"Eyeball!" Steven cries in shock.

Eyeball regains her balance and stands on top of the bubble as she, Y/n and Steven watch as the Earth and Moon shrink away in distance.

"There goes Home..." Y/n says.

"There goes my whole platoon!" Eyeball growls at Y/n. "This is a mess! " She starts pacing around the bubble. "What'll I say in my report? How will I even make my report? This is a nightmare! " She stops and glares at Steven. "And this is all your fault!"

"Whoa! Hey, no, it's not! You were trying to hurt my friends!" Steven defends himself.

"But you opened the airlock in the moon base! You sent us flying into space, with no hope of ever returning!" Eyeball counters.

"... Okay, so maybe that was my fault. I'm sorry. There, are you happy?" Steven asks.

"No. You're lucky you're in that bubble, or I'd pop you right in the face." Eyeball says to him.

"Well, if you're going to be a grump about it, then we can just float in silence until we all die!" Steven says.

Eyeball crosses her arms. "Sounds great!"


"I can't wait!"

"Me, neither!"

The two of them continue to float through space in silence. Steven then takes his phone out of his pocket in boredom.

"What? No signal?" Steven says.

Y/n takes out his phone to show he has the same problem.

"Come on, We're right by a satellite!" Steven says.

A satellite beeps as it flies by.

"If I don't die out here, first thing I do back on Earth is change my phone plan." Steven grumbles.

"We'd need a miracle to get back." Y/n sighs.

Eyeball sits up and growls. "I shouldn't have ever come back to that dumb planet!" Eyeball flops back down on the bubble. "When I heard rumors there might still be Crystal Gems on Earth, I couldn't believe it. A thousand years of fighting were all for nothing! And Rose Quartz might still be alive? She must be!" She rolls on her side. "Why else would someone as important as Jasper be back on Earth? For closure, that's why. I wanted it, too. I wanted to see Rose Quartz with my own eye. At the very least, I thought Jasper might have some answers, but... It wasn't even her; just another trick."

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