81. Three Gems and a Baby

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It was snowing heavily outside as Steven watched the snow through the window from inside the house.

"It's amazing. The snow just keeps falling and falling! I'm glad you're staying here with us, Y/n and Dad."

Steven walks over to join Y/n, Greg and the Gems lounging around the living room.

"Me too Buddy, The weather's too bad for me to get home in so Dad agreed it's safer to just stay here." Y/n says.

"I hear you, It's way too cold to stay in the van during this blizzard. Besides, the heater in the van hasn't worked since I got that sweet mini disk player installed." Greg says. "Which I do not regret."

"Been a while since I've seen snow come down like this." Y/n comments.

"I've never seen it snow like this before." Steven adds.

"That's not entirely true." Greg reveals.

"Really?" Steven asks.

"You mean back when..." Pearl begins to ask before she starts laughing. "That was about fourteen years ago. There was a snowstorm happening just like this around then."

"Fourteen years... Hey, I'm fourteen years!" Steven suddenly says.

"That's right, little man. You were only a few months old and it was snowing so hard, I thought we were going to become "Snowman" and "Snowman Jr., son of Snowman." Greg says.

Pearl gets up to heat a kettle of water on the stove, while Greg continues talking.

"But Vidalia was out of town visiting family, so she let us crash at her place for a while. It was the first time you..." 

"DAAAAD!" Steven suddenly shouts.

"I'm not that far away Steven." Greg says.

"Don't forget our... arrangement."

"Good gravy." Greg reaches for his guitar when Pearl returns.

"That's what you get for teaching me to love music!"

"Luckily, I have a song for this story already."

♪ I could never be,  I could never be,  I could never be ready for this. ♪

Greg rushed through a heavy snowstorm into the house, holding groceries and baby Steven. He looked at the baby swaddle and was shocked to see bread inside, but became relieved to find Baby Steven in the grocery bag instead.

♪ I could never be, I could never be, I could never be ready. ♪

Greg was eating a sandwich while boiling a baby bottle. Baby Steven grabbed onto his hair, distracting Greg as the water boiled over the pot to his shock. He quickly drops his sandwich and moved the pot away from the stove.

♪ Things start and things end,  And isn't it lovely in theory but, ♪

Greg brings baby Steven over to the couch with the baby bottle and begins bottle-feeding him. Greg starts feeling cold and uses his foot to turn on a heater nearby.

♪ I could never be, I could never be, I could never be ready♪

As the song concludes, baby Steven finishes his bottle, yawns and falls asleep. Greg set the bottle on the table and noticed a photo of Vidalia, Yellowtail, and young Sour Cream. He looks at it somberly as he begins to fall asleep on the couch as well.

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